Day 6: 23rd May


A bus. It snuck in through the night and hit Dave whilst he was sleeping.

Its pretty much going as the nurse educator at the oncology ward said it would. ‘By  day 5 or 6 you’ll be feeling pretty tired’. Yep. Slept in till after 8, got up and had some scrambled eggs and Bush Goddess Wagga bacon on toast. Then he went back to sleep for a little while.

He’s told work he wont be in today, thank goodness. Definitely no push ups this morning. Will and I will head back to Wagga today, Ill stay there over night and then head to Sydney by plane tomorrow morning to go to a medical appointment with Victoria. Then back to Canberra by plane tomorrow afternoon.

I’m keen on seeing both Darryl (the dog) and Victoria, but not so keen on leaving Dave especially when he’s not feeling so good. I sat here for a couple of days when he was feeling OK, now I’m leaving when he’s feeling shitty. Bugger.

Will has set up Dave’s old lap top and attached it to his TV. He’s set up Netflix with our account and they are now watching an inappropriate English TV show together. That should keep Dave going for a while. He was using a Telstra dongle for internet, but I have now organized broadband ADSL so he should have plenty of download available once Telstra hook it up. Given the bad publicity they have had lately it will be interesting to see if it all goes smoothly.

Do you like the bus picture? A Fiji bus. I wish we were back there.


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