Day 8


This time last week we were heading for the hospital. This time next week we will be doing the same. We will call this off week. And that’s just how Dave is feeling – off. No vomiting, just nausea; no exhaustion, just tiredness; no push-ups, but we will go for a walk when it warms up a little.

When the 7am news announced it was minus 2, I got up and switched the heater on and then hopped back into bed for another hour! Dave has the alarm set for 6am, he usually gets up straight after the 6am news, gets ready and is at work before 7am. He likes routine and I think pretty much every morning is identical to the last, and the next. Not with me here 🙂 We had a warm bowl of porridge and are now both checking out Facebook.

As part of my whirlwind trip to Sydney yesterday, Victoria and I went and visited Dave’s Mum at Cherrybrook. She is pretty amazing . She is well into her 80’s, lives on her own in a retirement village, and has barely changed in the nearly 30 years I have known her. She is feisty and strong, and loves her family a lot. Victoria visits quite a bit which is one of the good things about her being in Sydney.

Jill is a very matter-of-fact person. She never gossips, or complains or waffles on. When Dave told her about the Lymphoma last week she didn’t say a lot, but was obviously pretty stunned by the news. Dave speaks to her every few days, but it was good to see her yesterday and answer a few of her questions and hopefully reassure her a bit. As a parent you never stop loving your kids and wanting good for them. She, like me, wants to make it easier for him. She, also like me, is frustrated that she can’t DO anything to fix things.

Will fixed a few things while he was here. He changed some light globes, fixed the TV and  repaired the exhaust fan in the bathroom. Neither Dave nor I are very good at that sort of thing so it’s great to have a ‘tradie’ in the family. We are very proud of him.

Have you every heard of the Entertainment Books? We will go our for a drive to the back of Canberra Airport today and pick up the 16/17 Canberra version that I ordered yesterday. Lots of discounts for restaurants and other things around the ACT, I’ll tell you how it looks tomorrow.

By the way feel free to make comments on posts anytime!


One Comment Add yours

  1. Kylie McFarlane says:

    Take care and stay strong- you are doing a tremendous job x

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