Day 9


People having been saying ‘make sure you look after yourself’ quite a bit. I’m not exactly sure what this means. Not because I don’t know how to look after myself, but because it can mean so many things.

Is having a hot chocolate and lemon tart before grabbing some groceries late yesterday afternoon looking after myself?  I enjoyed sitting in Oliver Brown by myself for half an hour. Does that count as looking after yourself if what I ate and drank is full of sugar?

Could ticking another off my ‘restaurant bucket list’ by having brunch by myself at the cupping room this morning be considered looking after myself? Crumbed Haloumi, poached eggs, asparagus and apple slaw. FANTASTIC latte.  Lots of interesting people to sit and watch. IMG_5953

A 45 minute massage. Now that is surely looking after myself. Chinese style. Head, shoulders and back to try to sort a 5 day headache. It didn’t fix the headache but I’m pretty confident the attempt was looking after myself!.

I’m pretty sure I am very good at looking after myself I the indulgent type ways, but maybe not in the staying healthy type ways. All three examples above just feel selfish. Maybe my aim for the next few days should be to get into an exercise routine. Perhaps you should all keep me to that!

Dave went to work today for a couple of hours. His rule of ‘ill only go to work if I can do 20 sit-ups’ went out the window.  No sit ups, but 2 newspaper articles researched and written at work and a good catch up with his workmates. It was cold and raining so he did let me drive him rather than ride his motorbike 🙂

Dave, like me, works with a great group of people who he likes and respects. Its not what he had for 20+ years in his previous job, so it’s so excellent that he now loves work and the people he works with. I am extremely blessed to also have an amazing group of people I work with. It’s tough times like this that confirms to me that workmates are important friends, not just colleagues. My boss is one of those people who is reminding me to look after myself. It makes everything just so much easier not feeling like I’m letting people down.

I bought Dave a wheat bag today (pictured below on his arm) to try to help his aching arms. He enjoyed it for a while, but says me massaging them helps more 😉  I’d better get back to it!


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