Day 13


Will I, wont I, will I, wont I…

These were my thoughts on Friday morning.

Should I stay in Canberra with Dave who was feeling pretty good, not 100%, but not terrible either?

Or, should I drive back to Wagga and see Will (and others)?

As you have probably worked out by the lack of posts over the last couple of days,  I decided to head to Wagga.

I’m usually pretty good at making decisions, in fact sometimes my team might think I make them a little hastily sometimes. But this is different. I seem to have lost my decision making mojo! (And my parking in car parks mojo but that’s another story). Decisions about most things have always seemed so straightforward to me. You look at the options, weigh up the possibilities, then decide. But what about when there isn’t an option that seems right.  Am I a wife first, or a mother, or an employee? Well it’s easy enough in times like this to realize its not the last of those. Dave said he would be fine on his own, but so did Will!

Will is perfectly capable of looking after himself. He spent 8 months overseas when he left school and  knows the basics of cooking, cleaning and washing. He is always early to work (yes even at 6am in winter). He knows what the pets needs are, although kitty litter is definitely not a favourite tsk of his 😉 Bek, my sister, is visiting every few days and sending me updates including pics of Darryl… like this one which had the caption: ‘Good morning Mummy’


That tipped me over, I needed a cuddle from my dog haha!

So Wagga it was. It was great to hang out with Bek and Emilia for a few hours on Saturday, watching our boys play footy; Alex (nearly 7) playing soccer pic on front page) and Will playing Aussie Rules. Saturday night was spent at my good friends Steph and Shaun’s house. There was 9 of us, a little red wine, some excellent food, plenty of singing. OK, quite a bit of red wine. Thanks Alice for picking us up 😉

Will was at a 21st on Saturday night and as it was out-of-town he stayed out there overnight. He slept in the back of his ute in a swag under the tourno cover. He must have been freezing! Hopefully he enjoyed the slab of lasagna I made him, it should last for a few meals at least.

This morning we went to Canberra Hospital Cancer Centre to see the specialist Radiotherapy Doctor. We have heard a few times the term ‘multidisciplinary team’ which is basically having care from a number of people who specialize in different fields.  This Doctor will supervise the radiotherapy that will begin 3-4 weeks after Chemo finishes. All going to plan that will be late August. It will go for 3-4 weeks, 5 days per week. It was good to hear from this Doctor and be able to ask questions and get more information.  Historically Hodgkin’s lymphoma was treated with Radiotherapy alone, but due to the lymphoma being in multiple locations the ‘team’ decided that Dave needed both. By having both there is the best chance of totally getting rid of it – and we are certainly keen on that.

I’m making lamb shanks for dinner. Do you think I should make mash or polenta to go with them? … more decisions!

Feel free to comment 🙂


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