Day 16


I’m a bit over it. Is that totally self-centered of me? I miss Wagga. I want things to be back to normal. I want Dave to be well and everyone to be happy and everything to be well, peachy.

OK, so that might be a bit much to ask. So instead of just being ‘over it’ I also feel guilty that I can’t cope that well with what life is dealing me. Plenty of people have MUCH worse situations than mine. As I mentioned a week or so ago, I am a ‘doer’, and I’m certainly not ‘doing’ much at the moment.

Its funny how you don’t realize when you are at work how much you like it. I’m not saying that I’m sitting here coming to the realization that my work is fantastic, but I am realizing how important a part it plays in my life. Dave went to work today and I was jealous! (Workmates reading this block your ears 😉 ) I have some fantastic friends at work and their love and support over the last few weeks has been amazing. I miss them; the chats over a quick coffee, the laughter filled meetings, the phone calls, sharing in the challenges and frustrations, sharing in the successes.

So don’t panic that things are bad here – its just me whining and thinking about myself…

Dave is actually doing pretty well. He thinks he feels up to heading to Wagga tomorrow for the weekend which will be great. The nurse at the Army hospital gave him his booster injection today, so hopefully that will help guard him against any infections he might be exposed to by going.

Dad and Pamela will also be in Wagga for the weekend. So there will be plenty of family time – if that doesn’t perk me up nothing will! For those that know my family well it will also mean lots of good eating – that’s also got to help!

I have just made a batch of chocolate cupcakes for Dave to drop into his work before we head to Wagga tomorrow. He does like having ‘the wife’ be at home and cook him stuff for a change. Glad he doesn’t want me to do it every day!

Oh – and this is the soup I had at Molto Restaurant last night – Artichoke and truffle. It was YUM! You are right, I had better stop feeling sorry for myself – lots and lots to be happy about 🙂


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