Day 23


So I went a bit ‘public’ with this blog yesterday, sharing it on my work Facebook page. Thank you to all those who sent messages of support.

To be truthful, It was a little bit of a cry for help. I don’t actually want any ‘help’ as such, but I was feeling very low yesterday.  A problem shared is a problem halved, or so they say. It certainly helped, and since I’m going to the trouble of writing this blog, I might as well share it. Hopefully some of you can at least use the recipes 😉

Today is a new day, and lets hope it is better than the last two. This is a long road, and losing the plot a little, like I did yesterday, was probably to be expected. People are telling me to stay strong, but you know, occasionally I think its ok to not be strong. Sometimes life sucks and it should be acknowledged as such.  Sometimes you just need to cry.

The most important thing is to not wallow for too long. So today I am keen to remind myself of more good things to be thankful for.

Like the fact that Will is being very well organised and capable by himself at home and is cooking for himself quite adequately. Like the fact that he messages or calls each day to see how we are. Like the fact that he is telling me he is OK and doing fine, even when he is doing it pretty tough too.

Or like the fact that Victoria is coming to Canberra for the weekend. That she is also showing great thoughtfulness and care for Dave and I, even when the idea of her precious Dad being sick terrifies her.

I am so thankful for both my kids.

Other things to be thankful for today…

  1. Dave is marginally better today than yesterday. That might be an exaggeration, but he’s definitely not worse.
  2. We had yummy meatballs and polenta for dinner last night and there’s enough left to enjoy again today (see pics below). How great is soft parmesan polenta.
  3. We planning again to go for a drive today since Dave was just too unwell yesterday (refer point 1)
  4. Dave’s unreal workmates, who call and message regularly.
  5. I can watch any amount of TV I want to. Daytime TV is mostly horrible, but some of its OK!


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