Day 27


No post yesterday and just a quick one today, sorry.

We have ben busy spending time with Victoria, it is so lovely to have her here.

I am about to head off to drive to Wagga. Dave and Victoria will spend the day together and she will fly out later this afternoon. I’m just having a quick trip back to Wagga, check on all my boys (Will, Dog, Cats) do a bit of shopping and cooking for Will, get 8 cuddles from my favourite son, we have done a deal that I get one a day – and I haven’t seen him for 8 days! Tomorrow I’ll pop into work and say hello and then head back to Canberra.

Dinner at the Boathouse by the lake on Saturday night was good. The food was a little disappointing but the view, and service and of course the company was great.


This is a picture of my duck main course. It was good, just not great. Sometimes it doesn’t pay to have too high an expectation. The last time we ate there I had the most wonderful meal and I had the expectation that it would be every bit as good.

Dave is feeling pretty good, as he was at this point after the last treatment. He is saying he is feeling 80%, which is a lot better than the 30% quoted mid last week.

The next treatment is due on Wednesday. Upcoming treatments feel like they hang over us. He just starts to feel better and then whammo they put more poison in his veins 🙁

I had better get on the road. The cover photo today is a pic of the three of us at Mount Ainslie yesterday. What a view!


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