Day 30. Treatment number 3


It’s minus 5.5 in Canberra this morning.

I haven’t stepped outside yet, but I’m not keen. Minus 5.5! You’ve got to be kidding don’t you?

I can see there is a heavy frost. I have to walk about 50meters to where my car is parked. It is parked on the street with no cover, so its going to take a while to defrost. Thank goodness for heated seats 😉

At home, I can get into my car in the garage directly from the house. Then I park at work as close to the door as you can get. (Thanks work for the great designated car park!) In Wagga it occasionally gets below zero. This is the 4th negative figure in Canberra in the last week!

First world problems.

The reason I’m leaving early is because I am going to a public sector Women in Leadership conference today and tomorrow.  Whilst I’m not keen to have Dave go to Chemo on his own, I had been booked into this conference for about 6 months so I decided to still go. When I originally got offered the chance to go to the conference I thought it would be great since it was in Canberra and I could visit Dave while I was there. Little did i know I would be here anyway.

Dave had blood tests yesterday so hopefully his white blood count will be high enough  to do Chemo today. The staff at the Hospital are amazing and they will look after him in my absence, I’m sure.  I warned them last time he would be on his own. Most people are there by themselves. I hope they get him all the biscuits and tea he wants!

Better go, due at the QT Hotel in 20 minutes.

I’ll report how he went tonight.


 UPDATE @ 7pm

Dave’s treatment was fine today. He arrived one hour early, even though I reminded him as I walked out the door at 8:30am that he needed to be there by 11am.  He is being rather forgetful. One of the side effects of treatment is nick-named ‘Chemo-Brain’. I hope its that and not early onset Dementia 😉

He will have another white blood cell booster injection tomorrow. His blood count was better today than last time, but they still want to boost it.

Dave now knows all the nurses in the oncology ward by name and is learning about their lives. He took a book along today to lend one of them. I think I’ll plan to give them something yummy for morning tea next treatment. Suggestions?

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