Day 32


Today’s post is brought to you by the word ‘Why’.

It’s one of the most commonly used words in the English language. Maybe not as common as: the, it, if, of, or and, but according to a website I came across it is the 178th most used word. Which, considering the thousands of words we have is pretty popular!

Other languages no doubt use it a lot too: por qué, Pourquoi, Warum, Γιατί, hoekom….

Who doesn’t know a child whose over-use of the word why has, at some point, driven them crazy. ‘Why do I have to clean my room?’, ‘why do we have to go shopping?’, ‘why is the sky blue?’…

As adults we of course question things regularly too.

The big ones like:

Why are we here on this earth?

Why doesn’t everyone get along?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why is there no cure for cancer?

Why did Dave get Cancer? (I cant tell you how many people have asked that!)

Sometimes they are not quite as big as that:

Why are oranges orange when ripe in cold climates and stay green in hotter environments?

Why can I never stop at once piece of cheese?

Why is there more people named ‘Peter’ heading our ASX200 companies than women?   (OK, that’s actually a pretty big question!)

And sometimes the word WHY starts questions that seem important at the time, but maybe they are not…

Why didn’t I stand up for that person in that meeting when I had the chance?

Why didn’t I go slower turning into the car park so I didn’t scratch my car?

Why didn’t I get the chance at that promotional opportunity?

I am asking myself lots of questions at the moment. Maybe its because I actually have time to  think about it (see Day 25 post). Maybe its because there is a lot challenging me. Maybe because I am out of my usual environment. Maybe its because there’s heaps going on at work.


To answer the Diane Sauce quantities question… on request:

  • 2 tablespoons gravy mix
  • 1 cup water (or amount as per packet instructions – depends on brand)
  • 2 tablespoons tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 2 tablespoons thickened cream
  • Method: Mix it all together in a small saucepan, bring to boil, simmer till thick.

* I would like to make a big disclaimer here. I use prepackaged gravy powder, crappy garlic out of a jar and store-bought tomato sauce. I know I am always banging on about using fresh, local ingredients. There are always exceptions to every rule and this is one of those situations. My answer is that I serve it on home crumbed chicken breasts or a lovely local piece of steak. Wednesday’s steak was from a butcher here in Canberra who sources meat from Cowra, Cootamundra and Young.

It is a miserable day in Canberra today, which I quite like. It sort of seems right for Canberra. It has been raining on and off since the middle of the night and it’s quite warm under the clouds – 12C! I waited for a break in the rain and walked up to Kingston shops. I am pretending I am a real blogger and sitting in a coffee shop, using the free Wi-Fi, typing this up. I may or may not have also enjoyed a lovely (and actually healthy) breakfast of chai and coconut rice pudding, black sesame puree and fresh fruit. And coffee. Well, two coffees to be truthful.  I might have another yet.

rice pudding

Dave is at work for a few hours. He isn’t quite as good as he was yesterday and will no doubt go downwards slowly until Sunday or Monday when he will start feeling awful again. Its really weird that we know ahead of time when things will be bad, but can do absolutely nothing to prevent it 🙁

We will head to Wagga tomorrow, all things going to plan. It will be nice for Dave to see Will and catch up with some friends. On Monday I will pop into work and catch up with pretty much all of my staff at an all business line staff meeting that is happening in Wagga on Monday. I will then go to ABC Riverina radio to do my regular Monday foodie segment at 10.30. I haven’t done the segment for over a month so that will be good. I’m thinking polenta – recipes will be on the TAFE website on Monday. I wonder if the listeners have wondered where I have been? Are they asking ‘WHY?’ Maybe they haven’t noticed!





2 Comments Add yours

  1. Paul Purvis says:

    You are a real blogger. There may be a future in it. WDYR?

    1. WDYR?

      Is there money in it. I like the lifestyle?

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