Day 33



They are my latest obsession.

Way back on Day minus 1 of this blog, I said that “Three flights of stairs really affects your shopping habits. Any recipe suggestions in this blog may be more about ingredient weight than suitability to the taste buds of Dave whilst undergoing chemo.”

Well it turns out I was wrong.

I’m not telling you this to show off. OK, maybe just a little. It’s more about making myself accountable.

I really, really, really want to keep this going.

About 3 weeks ago, I noticed that it was getting easier to climb the stairs. Rather than have a little rest at the top of two flights, I just kept going to the top. Dave noticed it too. Often, when I would come to Canberra for a weekend, pre-treatment,  we would eat out for breakfast. There are so many great places within an easy walk of this flat, so we would get up, get ready and walk somewhere for breakfast. Our usual routine would be then to go somewhere: shops, markets, or a for a drive. When we got back to the flat from Breakfast I would make an excuse to go straight to the car rather than walk up the stairs to the flat before we went out.

A few weeks ago, I started  looking for reasons to walk up the stairs. “Ill take the rubbish down”, “Ill go to the car and grab my jacket”.

Jennifer, I hope you are reading this. Jennifer works at a desk right near me and we spend a lot of time together. She’s one of those colleagues that you just love to have around. She is a great friend, and has been incredibly supportive over many years to me, especially over recent times. Jennifer is fit and healthy.  She is a few years older than me, and much fitter and healthier than I am. She has always encouraged me to be healthy. Not the ‘ram it down your throat’ type of encouragement, just a few helpful positive words when I am doing something right, or an SMS to check on me when I’m not feeling well.

When I started ‘jogging’ up the stairs here about a fortnight ago she was the first person I want to tell.

Well get this Jennifer… I have walked 4207 steps today BEFORE Breakfast! I got up at 6 and went for a walk, in the rain, all over Kingston foreshore and Kingston shops and was back at the flat at 710am. While Victoria was here last weekend she helped me buy a fitbit. It has encouraged me to walk 45,803 steps so far this week. Lucky I like walking in the rain!

My fitbit report as of 730am:IMG_6057.PNG

We are heading to Wagga soon, so I had better get ready. I now have more clothes here than I do at home so I also need to pack.

I cant wait to see the boys.(Will, Darryl, Cats) My Boss, who I am soooo thankful for, has instructed Will to give me a cuddle a day from him too. So that’s 10 you owe me since I saw you last Will xx

Dave is definitely not 100% this morning. He was awake a bit in the night (I know because I was a lot too). The days of unwell are certainly expanding, so hopefully the trip home wont be too much. A friend of his has organized a catch up with some of his other friends this afternoon. He is really looking forward to it. And to the chocolate cake  his friends wife will make for him!

Probably no post tomorrow. When I post next I will share with you the dinner Dave cooked for me last night!

Have a good weekend everyone 🙂

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Jane Barnes says:

    Hello there ? I’m hating what is happening in your life right now but I am loving your blog! I cheered at your ‘steps’!! One foot in front of the other WILL get you to the end… And it will be ok in the end! If it’s not ok …..then it’s not the end!!
    I’m only ever a phone call or text away

  2. Virginia says:

    Glad to hear you are step obsessed too! I’ve been at it since doing Steptember last year and it really gets you in! Sux what’s happening to Dave, hope it gets easier really soon.

  3. You should have seen me when I was stuck at Kapooka Hospital for the day last week. Because I didn’t have a ‘spouse pass’ I wasn’t allowed out on my own – so I discovered that Dave’s hospital room was 10 steps long. 50 times that equals 5000 steps!

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