Day 39


First of all can I say very sorry for the intermittent posts this week. It been a bit of a hard one!

Dave is FINALLY home from hospital at Kapooka 🙂

Things went a bit pear shaped on Wednesday evening after one of the nurses decided to ‘push’ the antibiotics into his cannula rather than adding via a drip. His hand became swollen and red above the cannula and his temperature rose a couple of degrees. When they tried to put the next lot of antibiotics in, the vein was too angry so they needed to remove and replace the cannula.

Unfortunately that proved harder to do then say and after attempt 4 they finally got one successfully in his other hand. Because it was then in at a difficult spot they had to put a splint along his arm and bandage it down.

Considering how terribly painful it must have been Dave coped pretty well. He did nearly pass out a few times so I tried to help by keeping a cool towel on his forehead. I thought I might pass out myself at one point!

I finally have a spouse pass, it arrived just in time for us to leave Kapooka;-) A big thanks to everyone who had to escort me on and off the base each time.

The support from family and friends has been wonderful. In the past, when I’ve had a friend go through a hard time, I’ve often wondered what would be the most helpful  way to support them. Stay tuned for my next post, and I’ll give some suggestions, based on my recent experience on what was helpful.

The hospital at Kapooka is pretty impressive. Nice view out Dave’s private room window…


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