Day 75

When life gives you lemons… make lemonade. A famous saying that is very fitting in our circumstances,  and I was especially reminded of it today as I made three recipes with lemons for tomorrows radio segment. Some may say, that life gave Dave lemons when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphomas, now over 4 months ago….

Day 73

I was up at 5:45 this morning and after a shower and a quick snack (the banana I had stashed in my bag before leaving home yesterday), I walked from the hotel to the airport. It was good to get 3000 steps up before 7am! Victoria and I are having a ‘work week hustle’ 5…

Day 72

This is probably one of my shortest posts yet! I might not have blogged today but for an interesting fact that I wanted to share. I have an app on my iPhone that counts down the days till an upcoming event. This morning I opened up the app and discovered that there were 72 days…

Day 71

What a hectic couple of days. But no amount of busy-ness can take away the ache in my heart. I wish I had been able to be in Canberra with Dave today for his last chemotherapy session. He says he was fine and he has gone to treatment on his own before … but I still wanted…

Day 70

Day 70 – That’s 10 weeks since treatment began. Tomorrow Dave will have treatment number 6 – yee haa, his last Chemotherapy session 🙂 Next week will no doubt be a shocker for him, considering the decline each time he has treatment. We are both dreading that. Its especially hard knowing its coming and also knowing there…

Day 67

We have just arrived back in Canberra and it’s been a busy day already, so I’m going to keep this simple. Sweet and Simple. Last night I made six gift jars of SCS (short for Salted Caramel Spread). You may hear me talk about it on ABC radio on Monday but, dear readers of this blog, you get a…

Day 66

As I typed “Day 66” for today’s title I thought of bingo. “All the sixes, clickety click.” How bizarre is that? I have only played bingo about 10 times in my whole life, and it was nearly a lifetime ago. When I was a Customs Officer in Sydney in the mid-80’s and working at an office in…

Day 65

Warning: Read today’s blog at your own risk. I am emotional. Today, it is evident to me more than usual, that often life is not easy. My prayers and thoughts are with my good friend who today faces the imminent death of his father, just two short weeks after a serious cancer diagnosis for his mother….

Day 64

The 64,000 dollar question, on Day 64 is…”when is this going to end?” Yesterday I  spoke about Dave being ‘hit by a bus’. Those that know me will realise I sometimes use colloquialisms or sayings to express my ideas. The only bus in our family room yesterday was the ‘Chemotherapy side-effect bus’ which has pulled up…

Day 63

When life really sucks: “I’m too tired to chew.” The ‘bus’ came round the corner last night and hit Dave square on and now he’s even too tired to chew! Surely that’s the worse thing that could happen… well it would be for me 😉 Dave moved from the bed to the lounge this morning…

Day 62

We are back in Wagga. I’m glad we didn’t wait another day because the trip might have been a bit too much for Dave otherwise. We left Canberra in warm and sunny conditions and arrived back in Wagga to clouds, and rain on the way. I packed up and brought home most of the clothes…

Day 61

When Dave asked me this morning “Have you done your blog today” I assumed he had decided that he was now interested in reading it. But alas no. (I can’t blame him – it is about him after all). The reason he asked is because he wanted to know what day he was up to….

Day 59

Day 59 today, and Dave is 59 years old. These are the sort of strange facts you find interesting when you haven’t had enough sleep. Sleep. I talked a couple of days ago about my favourite food and, if I was asked what my favourite thing to do was, it would be eating, closely followed by sleeping….

Day 57

Treatment day. 5 down, 1 to go (hopefully). There are still no PET scan results, but the radiotherapy people rang today to confirm August start dates so hopefully that means all is going to schedule. I just spoke to Dave and he was back home enjoying a toasted cheese sambo (his words!) The treatment went fine, cannula insertion…

Day 56

Its 5:38pm. I’m at work. There’s a long list of things I still need to do. Will I? Wont I? I look outside and see there is a storm brewing. The dog is at home out in the cold. I have to go to a cricket meeting at 7pm, I haven’t had a bath in…

Day 55

Pizzas. Pizzas. Pizzas. When I got to Wagga last night I made a half kilo batch of pizza dough and tried out a few different ways of topping and cooking them. (Will was pretty happy about that!) This morning I got up at 6am and made another half kilo batch. I then finished cooking them at the TAFE…