Day 45


Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. I have a secret to share…

You know how lots of people think Canberra’s an awful place, well it actually isn’t.

I am formally declaring that:


A few considerations:

Ok, there’s a lot of politicians here, and given tomorrow is election day, many, many people are completely over politicians, including me. Even though I ran into David Morrison (ex chief of the ADF and current Australian of the Year) today at the markets, I have never run into any politicians in Canberra. You would not even be aware many of them lived and worked here except for all the fancy houses and buildings. The buildings and architecture are, in fact, an enjoyable part of Canberra.

OK, its cold. I have been complaining about it for weeks. But its not hot. And I hate hot. Everything in Canberra is designed to help with the cold. The flat is heated and gets lots of morning sunshine, and, best of all, Dave warms our pajamas in the dryer before we go to bed.

OK, my kids, my dog, my cats and many of my friends are NOT in Canberra. But, until the end of the year, my husband is, and well…he’s nice. I like him. He makes me laugh. We enjoy each others company. (We’ve been married for 25 years this September). Canberra is definitely a better place because Dave is here.

OK, my work is not in Canberra. I love my job and I really like so many of the people I work with. But hey, not going to work every day is not that bad. I can sleep in past 6, I can lunch with friends. I can lunch by myself. I walk 10,000 steps a day and beat Victoria in our fit-bit challenge. I can make biscuits and soup and Osso Bucco. (more later)

OK, so I don’t know most of the restaurant owners and café workers and Chefs in Canberra like I do in Wagga. But the ones here are pretty good. When they remember to give me truffles, I especially like them 😉 Last night we had dinner at Molto and I had truffle, butter & cheese tossed with freshly made pasta. I ate out for 3 meals yesterday. Canberra must be good if I can do that!


So, the decision has been made. I still like Wagga better, but, Canberra is good. If you want to visit, just ask and I’ll give you all my recommendations 🙂

So today is all about cooking. I have been shopping at the markets and got plenty of ingredients and food for the weekend. I am heading to Wagga tomorrow and will stay there the week. Will is coming to Canberra on Sunday and taking over the caring duties for the week.

So far today I have made:

  1. Another batch of Anzac Biscuits
  2. A big pot of pumpkin and sweet potato soup
  3. Four serves of Osso Bucco, recipe below.




  • ½ cup plain flour
  •  salt and pepper
  • 1.5kg osso bucco (6-8 pieces)
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 2 onions, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 3 celery sticks, diced
  • 1 jar tomato passata or pasta sauce (approx. 400g)
  • 1 tsp, sugar
  • 1 cup liquid (stock, wine or mix of both)
  • 1 tsp. grated orange rind (plus extra to garnish)
  • 1 tsp. freshly chopped herbs (eg oregano, basil, thyme) and extra to garnish


  • Season the osso bucco and toss in the flour (use a plastic bag)
  • Sear the osso bucco in hot oil until it is golden all over. Remove from pan.
  • Add the onions and the garlic and sauté until soft but not brown. Add call remaining ingredients.
  • Place osso bucco in base of a slow cooker and pour sauce over the top. Cook gently for 4-6 hours.
  • Once meat is very tender, remove from pot.
  • If the sauce needs thickening, reduce over high heat until correct consistency.
  • Ladle sauce over meat. Garnish with extra herbs and a little grated orange rind.

osso bucco 2

  • shanks 2.JPG


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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