Day 48


I’m at work.

I was tempted to just post those three words and leave it a that. It seems I already don’t have time for blogging!

I have mixed emotions. Guilt, excitement, fear, regret… and a few others.

There were tears when I was alone in my house this morning getting ready for work. I felt guilty that I wasn’t with Dave. I felt regret that I decided to work this week. Most of all I felt sorry for myself. Due to many years of practice, it’s a state I do pretty well 🙂

I’d like to apologize to those who have told me to ‘stay strong’. I’m actually not that good at strong. I can when I need to, but I generally don’t when I don’t need to. I find crying very helpful, cathartic in fact. Is that OK? In our marriage Dave is the strong one. In this situation you’d think we might swap roles, but to be honest, I think its best to stick with what you’re good at.

Ever since I’ve been in a ‘leadership position’ at work, I’ve done quite a bit of research, thinking and experiential learning about what strength-based leadership is. It’s a philosophy I very much endorse and it certainly influences my style at both work and at home. Its very simple: -when people’s strengths are identified, used and encouraged they feel more satisfied and rewarded in what they do.

Dave and Will are at the hematologist as we speak. I will report on the outcomes tomorrow. When I phoned Dave a couple of hours ago he reported as feeling 65%. He sounded OK, but this is a low rank for him so he’s obviously not feeling great. Given the days of  un-wellness seem to be expanding, I hope he is feeling a little better by the weekend.

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The potato recipes went over well on ABC Riverina this morning. Click here for the recipes. 

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