Day 54


I just did a quick calculation using my calendar to make sure Day 54 was in fact the correct number. It was. I was worried that somehow I missed a day or added one on and I’d have to go back and change everything.

I do like to do calculations. Out of all the various aspects of my job, budgeting is the part I like the most. It probably drives my team crazy, but everything needs to be just right in the budget. Last week I finished what seemed like version 3000 of the 2016/17 financial planning process. I don’t want to do it full time for a job, but I actually enjoyed doing it!

I don’t like to write. That’s what I would have said If you had asked me 3 months ago. I was always the first to finish creative writing tasks at school and, to be honest whilst they were first done they were definitely not the best. I could never see the point. Even as an adult, I would choose talking over writing anytime. Any written submissions I have to do for my job are completed adequately, but I’m sure would not have fascinated any reader with their creative intent. Dot points are usually my layout of choice!

 I do like to read. Often I’m too busy or too exhausted or too active on my devices. 😉 But if I’m on holidays or someone has given me a good book, or if I get on a run of reading, I really, really love to read. I love to escape into the lives of the characters and have been known, on occasion, to pull an all-nighter to finish an enthralling book.

I’m not sure what has made me enjoy writing this blog so much. Maybe it’s purely because I’ve had time to think, or perhaps it’s because I’ve received lots of positive feedback or it could simply be because it has been so therapeutic and cathartic to write. I am sure years of reading decently written novels has improved my grammar, sentence structure and general writing skills. I have always been a reasonable speller, and the ‘spell check’ and ‘synonym’ options in most software make finding the right word much easier ;). I am married to an excellent writer, who writes for a job, and he has been here for any grammatical or punctuation advice. (Although he doesn’t like to read this blog!)

My creative side is mostly expressed through food and cooking. I  did an art subject as part of my education degree and both the assessments were wholly based around food presentation. I got a high distinction – food is a great way to impress (bribe)!

Do you like to write?

Is there something you’ve always believed you weren’t good at that maybe you could have another crack at?

We didn’t end up going for a drive yesterday, but did go to Manuka to see a movie at the Events Cinema there.  They have a flat rate of $10 a ticket which is very good value.  Savings always seem to lead to spending, so I got a bucket of popcorn and Dave got a choc-top to enjoy while we were watching ‘Goldstone.’ If you haven’t seen it yet I recommend you do. It’s an Australian made Drama/Thriller with a few well-known faces including  Jacki Weaver. Whilst it was a little slow at times, the story was interesting, the scenery spectacular (filmed in outback Queensland) and the cinematography was super impressive. I particularly liked the use of quite a few aerial shots.

We then had a late lunch at Manuka restaurant ‘Urban Pantry.’ We were so hungry by the time we got there at 2pm that I didn’t take any photos. I didn’t love my meal… I may  have chosen too quickly in my haste to eat. It’s actually the second time I have been disappointed in my food at this place but thought we would give it another chance. Lets face it, sometimes they can just be having a bad day. There’s plenty of places to choose from in Manuka, so next time I’ll try somewhere else.

Have you ever had disappointing food or service and decided not to eat there again? How many ‘chances’ do you give an eatery?

Dave is feeling better than he did yesterday, and is now heading up to feeling reasonable by Wednesday, when, yet again, they’ll pop some poison in him and the rollercoaster will plummet. Two more treatments to go…

 I love this photo – taken at Dads about a year ago. If I knew how to Photoshop and take out a few wrinkles and chins I would love it even more 😉

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3 Comments Add yours

  1. Kellie Harmer says:

    Hi Sara,
    You are a great writer! So funny, witty and completely honest. Keep it up,.
    Big hugs to you, and healthy vibes for Dave xx

  2. Anonymous says:

    As always your blog feels like I’m next to you having a chat. ??

  3. Anonymous says:

    Great Blog Sara, keep writing.
    Best wishes to Dave in his treatment & recovery.

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