Day 57


Treatment day.

5 down, 1 to go (hopefully).

There are still no PET scan results, but the radiotherapy people rang today to confirm August start dates so hopefully that means all is going to schedule.

I just spoke to Dave and he was back home enjoying a toasted cheese sambo (his words!) The treatment went fine, cannula insertion worked without a problem, nurses all pleased to see him and seeking biscuit recipes.

I think toasted cheese ‘sambos’ are one of Dave’s favourite foods. Certainly the favourite thing he can cook for himself!

Understandably, I am often asked what my favourite food is. It’s actually a really hard question to answer. Favourite ingredient is one thing. Favourite dish is another.

There are so many variables to consider.

Season certainly has a bearing on things. I love nectarines, but not in the middle of winter when they have been in cold storage for months or transported half way around the world. I’m really enjoying Brussels sprouts at the moment, but they will be expensive and tasteless when they go out of season soon, so I won’t buy them for much longer.

Bacon is right up there with my best-loved ingredients; but crappy, overly salty, cheap-and-nasty chemical filled bacon is not good. Locally produced, thick cut, well smoked, chemical free bacon – now that’s a treat for sure!

Is there anything better than a soft boiled fresh-from-the-hen egg?

Or a char-grilled T-bone steak, a generous amount of English mustard, jacket potatoes and a green salad. That would nearly be my favourite meal!

Or how about freshly shucked oysters whilst overlooking the sea…I don’t think you can under estimate the influence of location and surroundings on your enjoyment of a meal!

If I really, really had to decide what I would like to eat more than anything else, for example if I knew it was my last meal, it without doubt, would be Caviar. Yarra Valley Atlantic Salmon Roe to be specific. A full extra large jar please. No accompaniments, just the straight roe, from the jar, by the spoonful!

My mouth is now watering. Isn’t the connection between your brain and your saliva an fascinating one!

So what is your favourite food? What would you choose for your last meal?


8 Comments Add yours

  1. Paul Purvis says:

    Certainly my favourite is the freshest perfectly chilled Sydney Rock Oysters with a glass of Dom. At 11am in the morning. Utterly perfect.

    1. Oysters and Dom sound just perfect to me. At home or out somewhere?

  2. Mark says:

    I too love bacon. Nice choice.
    I think my favorite might be king prawns directly off the back of the trawler. Fresh succulent, sweet, and crisp. Heaven wrapped in a shell. In my other hand is a chilled Corona.
    I’m about as happy as the seagulls surrounding me.

  3. Oh yeah! Salivating again. There’s definitely a theme of fresh here. And when something good is fresh it doesn’t need anything added. Apart from a drink of course.
    Wish I was up your way right now – for the fresh seafood and the warm weather!

  4. Kellie says:

    Fillet mignon with avocado and bernaise sauce with fresh seasonal veggies. The meat is so soft it’s like clouds melting in your mouth. Of course accompanied by a delicious red! Heaven…

    1. I love your description Kellie! I can almost taste it. Perfect dinner on a cold night.

  5. Karl says:

    A bucket of prawns and couple of beers at the beach!
    Or a good roast lamb!

  6. Cant deal with the sand, but give me a deck overlooking the beach and I’m with you Karl!

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