Day 59


Day 59 today, and Dave is 59 years old.

These are the sort of strange facts you find interesting when you haven’t had enough sleep.


I talked a couple of days ago about my favourite food and, if I was asked what my favourite thing to do was, it would be eating, closely followed by sleeping.

Some would say (including me 😉 ) that I am obsessed with food. I think about it a lot. I talk about it a lot. I eat it a lot! I think that my desire for sleep is also a little obsessional.

My new fit-bit records my sleeping patterns. It tells me that I have averaged just over 4 hours of sleep a night over the last few weeks. It also tells me that I have another 4.5 hours of being awake/restless through the night. So basically I’m in bed long enough just not asleep long enough! No wonder I’m always looking forward to going to bed! Definitely something to work on.

Who loves an afternoon sleep? I certainly do. I particularly love that sensation of being just on the verge of falling asleep.  It is extra good when I’m on holidays and after a great meal and in a super comfy bed and in an exotic location. Take me there now!!!!

Victoria (who incidentally has very similar sleeping patterns to me) is on her way to Canberra. She will stay till Sunday and Dave is very much looking forward to seeing his ‘little princess’. Dads and Daughters often have a special bond, and that’s certainly the case with these two. They are definitely two peas-in-a-pod. Whilst I know Victoria is keen to see him, I hope she doesn’t get too much of a shock when she gets there. I doubt she’s seen him bald before.

I will drive to Canberra after watching Will play footy tomorrow and will stay there for the week. I’m pretty keen to see my baby girl too!

That’s all for today. Hopefully when I’m not working I’ll have more time for blogging. And more time for eating. And I’m super keen on some more time for sleeping 😉

Todays pic – Victoria and I in Hiroshima in April. Great holiday!


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