Day 63


When life really sucks: “I’m too tired to chew.”

The ‘bus’ came round the corner last night and hit Dave square on and now he’s even too tired to chew!

Surely that’s the worse thing that could happen… well it would be for me 😉 Dave moved from the bed to the lounge this morning and when I made him a slice of toast he got up and stood at the kitchen bench to eat it. He ate half the slice then laid the top half of his body down over the bench to rest.  When I asked him if he was feeling nauseous he replied that no he was just “too tired to chew”.

 I’m so glad we are back at home for these few days. Under-floor heating, a large spa bath, the kitchen I love so much, all here to make life a bit easier.

If any of you were listening to ABC Riverina yesterday morning, you may have been wondering how I could have been travelling home from Canberra and on air a the same time. The wonders of modern technology meant we could pre-record yesterday’s session on Friday. During the segment we interviewed John, who is the chair of the Olive Oil Sensory Panel based here in Wagga. (ABC FB post here) We tasted olive oil and John explained how to tell the difference between olive oils and how to do the tasting. He is amazingly passionate about olive oil and just the sort of person we love interviewing on the show. We try to interviedw a local producer or expert about once every 4 weeks. It was loads of fun and I learnt a lot.I hope our listeners did too! One of the things we talked about was how important it was to use good quality fresh olive oil for cooking and one of the recipes we chatted about was soft-boiled eggs with pepper and olive oil and toast soldiers, of course.

 So this morning, I decided that was just what I wanted for breakfast. I guess I have been thinking about it since Friday 🙂 The addition of a little drizzle of good quality, local, fresh olive oil was a  new concept for me. There are some people who don’t think you should change a classic, and soft-boiled eggs with soldiers is certainly a classic! But I’m always up for a version change or adaptation and this was a real success. It added a little hint of extra pepper, creaminess and softened the toast soldiers a little bit. Give it a go, I think you will like it!

Soft boiled eggs, soldiers, pepper, olive oil


Today is all about getting jobs done.

I am a list fanatic.

  1. Organize carpets to be cleaned. Check √
  2. Book Will’s ute in for 60K service. Check √
  3. Organize plumber to connect water to new fridge. Check √
  4. Get all washing, drying and folding up-to-date. Check √
  5. Buy new food processor (going shopping soon)
  6. Buy new kettle (as per point 4)
  7. Make something delicious with the fresh lemons that Bek dropped in this morning.

4 out of 7 jobs done so far, that’s not too bad!

Please send ideas for lemons soonest. Either comment below in the ‘comments box’ (you can be anonymous if you want) or email me at:

Here’s hoping Dave has the energy to chew soon, because its lunch-time. Please keep praying everyone, this is going to be a tough few days.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    Lemon syrup cake

    1. Good idea. With almond meal maybe?

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