Day 64


The 64,000 dollar question, on Day 64 is…”when is this going to end?”

Yesterday I  spoke about Dave being ‘hit by a bus’. Those that know me will realise I sometimes use colloquialisms or sayings to express my ideas. The only bus in our family room yesterday was the ‘Chemotherapy side-effect bus’ which has pulled up and doesn’t appear to be moving on.

Dave is pretty exhausted, although is now on the lounge reading a book rather than lying in bed. He is short of breath constantly. “How can you get short of breath turning pages?” he just asked. Someone pull that bus’ front wheel of his chest please 🙁

We have a new member of the family. A bright, shiny, racing car red Kitchen Aid food processor. Welcome to the Morley family! I will love you, care for you, clean up after you, feed you and make you feel important. I will tell all my friends about how good you are. I will hang out with you regularly and take full advantage of your usefulness. I think my new food processor needs a name 😉

No sooner had I unpacked the box, I was searching my pantry for ingredients to make something. I started with sliced carrots (you can adjust the thickness with a slide adjuster as you go!), ate them and then decided to make use of some over ripe and in-season cheap bananas to make a cake.

I have used and adapted a few recipes over the years to make banana cake, but a slightly adjusted Donna Hay version is probably my favourite. Both Dave and Will like banana cake. We usually call it Banana Bread to make us feel better about slicing and toasting it and spreading it with butter 😉

The only slight change I make is to add a teaspoon of bicarb soda sifted in with the flour. It helps break down the bananas and give it a slightly lighter texture.

So do you like my new baby? See how he (she?) matches my already much-loved stand mixer 🙂  How wonderful is the little ‘tool box’ that holds all the attachments and bits-and-pieces!

I’m now considering lemon recipes that use a food processor. More research to be done and advice sought please.

The lemons Bek dropped round yesterday… still waiting to be used.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m quite partial to lemon meringue cup cakes. Heavy on the tartness. Yum

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