Day 65


Warning: Read today’s blog at your own risk. I am emotional.

Today, it is evident to me more than usual, that often life is not easy.

My prayers and thoughts are with my good friend who today faces the imminent death of his father, just two short weeks after a serious cancer diagnosis for his mother. It is incomprehensible to me that he could be hurting so badly today and will for so long. I have words of sympathy and concern but the reality is there is nothing much anyone can do to help.

Today is Mums birthday. I miss her each and every day, as do the rest of my family. Time softens the sting of death but nothing can take the ache away. Most days, now more than four years on, I remember her with thoughts that are happy and joyful and positive, but on days like today I simply feel sad. Sad that my family and I don’t have her here. Sad that I don’t have her here to give me wise advice and support in hard times. Sad that I can’t share the good things with her.

I will share some good news tomorrow, but for today, I am going to keep things simple. I ask that you tell those you love that you love them and give a hug to the closest one in sight – that might be just what they need:)

Dave is pretty much the same today as yesterday. Tired and aching. Hopefully he will be a little better tomorrow and start heading up again in preparation for next Wednesdays last chemo treatment. He just enjoyed a sausage on a fresh bread roll for lunch (his choice!) and is now watching TV on the lounge. No book reading – that page turning is too exhausting.

Last night something interesting happened when I was walking Daryl the dog. For the first time ever I wanted  to go further than he did! It is a milestone on my pursuit of ‘step’ mastery. Over 10,000 steps yesterday. I am beating Victoria on the ‘work week challenge’ by a country mile 😉 (OK she’s sick in bed which isn’t helping her, poor baby)  Hopefully it will stop raining here soon so I can get another 10,000 steps day under my belt. Or maybe I will head out soon and walk in the rain, and wash away the tears that are streaming down my face. I love you Mum.

This picture was taken on last nights walk. Its hard to tell but Daryl is not pulling like he usually does!


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