Day 70


Day 70 – That’s 10 weeks since treatment began. Tomorrow Dave will have treatment number 6 – yee haa, his last Chemotherapy session 🙂 Next week will no doubt be a shocker for him, considering the decline each time he has treatment. We are both dreading that. Its especially hard knowing its coming and also knowing there is not a damn thing you can do to stop it.

He is booked to see his specialist next Monday afternoon and then the Radiologist next Wednesday in preparation for the radiotherapy to start on the 17th of August. There will be 15 sessions of radiotherapy over 3 or 4 weeks. Should have him all done and dusted and kicking cancer’s bottom by mid September!

Sorry for not posting over the last couple of days. I am in Sydney and have been flat out driving all over the place including a visit to Dad and Pamela at Elvina bay, Grandma (Dave’s mum) and Aunty Bub at Cherrybrook and a work event last night at Epping. I also visited my beautiful sister Katrina and her family at Roseville (where my nieces 14th birthday party was happening). This morning I will fly back to Canberra, drive to Temora for a meeting then home to Wagga by tonight. I’m exhausted just thinking about it 😉

This was my office yesterday morning – not a bad place for a few emails and some report writing 😉
This is the amazing ‘Dolly Varden’ cake Pamela made for Charlotte for her 14th Birthday party!




And last nights black tie event – Clubs NSW annual Chef’s awards – can you see Pete Evans on stage MCing?


I am currently sitting at the Airport in Sydney.

Who loves people watching? I do, and this is a great place to do it 🙂

I am here an hour before my flight so I have time for a coffee and a read of the paper. I am also trying to decide, by there attire, language and demeanor, what the people near me are doing and where they are going. I never actually find out if I am right with my assumptions, but it can be a fun way to while away the time.

I have decided (guessed!) that the two men in the image below had made acquaintances by sitting next to each other. They didn’t appear to know one another, but each were quickly trying to out-do the other by bragging about how busy their day was going to be. and how important they were! The man on his right was indicating he didn’t even have time to sit down whilst doing some quick work on his laptop.  I imagine they were going interstate for a business meeting and in some sort of leadership role perhaps rather than sales – neither seems to have the ‘salesman’ attitude and smoothness you sometime see.

I need to do a bit more work now before I board – so that’s it for today.

You can listen to the ‘sound cloud’ of yesterdays radio segment by clicking here if you are interested 🙂 I never listen to myself – I hate the sound of my own voice.

Perfect weather again in Sydney today – I hope its not too cold in Canberra.

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