Day 71


What a hectic couple of days. But no amount of busy-ness can take away the ache in my heart.

I wish I had been able to be in Canberra with Dave today for his last chemotherapy session. He says he was fine and he has gone to treatment on his own before … but I still wanted to be there with him.

Every day, each of us has to make decisions on what we will do and what will take priority. It’s something that I have always wrestled with. Throughout each day  I order and re-order my list of things to do. I’m constantly assessing whether I’ve made the right decision. I’ve talked on my blog about it before and to be honest, it’s just part of who I am. Whilst I am pretty sure it’s not good for my stress levels / health it does make me well organized and efficient. If asked what my strengths are I would definitely list both those things, so I guess I need to just stop worrying about it.

And today I simply can’t be in more than one city at a time.

I am certainly glad that I was in Wagga to go to my friend’s fathers funeral this afternoon. I am so overwhelmed by the grief I know he is feeling. Quite a few people from work went and I really hope he knows how many people are thinking and praying from him. Its going to be a long road of sadness for him and his family.

It’s also nice to be in Wagga to see Will. It was great last night when I got home to hear how much he is enjoying his new workplace and how much he is learning. I was pretty glad to see my puppy dog too and given his massive excitement when I got home I think the feeling’s mutual. It doesn’t seem to matter if I’m away for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, he’s always pleased to see me ?

I still have a few busy days ahead. Albury bright and early tomorrow, fly to Sydney tomorrow night then back to Wagga Friday morning. Lots of ‘handover’ to receive with the role I am taking on from next week and also some handover to ‘give’ with my regular role that I won’t be doing. This weekend could definitely involve a lot of sleeping and the weather forecast, for cold and rain will suit that just perfectly :).

Dave went and had a haircut after Chemo today. There’s very little to cut given most of it has fallen out, but the little that is there was getting long and looking a bit odd. The barber only charged him ten dollars so I assume he felt sorry for him. I guess there has to be some perks!4836ddaec0cf6854e709dabdd5ba8859

I forgot to tell you about the meal I enjoyed at work last week at the Staff long service awards lunch. It was delicious! Chicken breast supreme, caramelized baby onions and roasted baby carrots for main course, then chocolate tart, white chocolate semi-fredo and fresh berries for dessert. Yes I can totally understand your jealousy 😉 Well done to the teachers and students who prepared and served this.



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