Day 73


I was up at 5:45 this morning and after a shower and a quick snack (the banana I had stashed in my bag before leaving home yesterday), I walked from the hotel to the airport. It was good to get 3000 steps up before 7am! Victoria and I are having a ‘work week hustle’ 5 day Fitbit step challenge and I am slightly behind, so a big walk is on the cards for this afternoon ?


Last night I caught up with some colleagues at a pub in Glebe. The 10 of us were all part of a leadership development program through 2015 and became great friends through the process. We all work in different parts of NSW and in a variety of areas of the business. A few are from education but there are also people in finance, administration, asset management and HR. It was excellent to hear about what everyone was up to and how they were all doing.

I get to work with some amazing people who are passionate, clever and innovative. Last night reminded me of just how many there are. We are already planning our next ‘reunion’.

Dinner was delicious. I had Casareece (pasta) with clams, pancetta and white wine, followed by an Affogato with Frangelico. Both were really good.

Casarecce Pasta with calms, pancetta, white wine and pangretto


The pasta was topped with ‘pangretto’ which is a fried breadcrumb ‘crumble’. It is a traditional Italian way to add texture and flavour to pasta dishes and I really love it. When I saw it listed in the menu description I instantly choose that dish. Most others at the table had steak and they all had menu envy. They liked their meals too but I think mine was the pick of them. Do you hate it when others choose a dish you wished you had? I do!

I sent a longish text to Dave this morning which finished with ‘how are you feeling?’ I got a one word response ‘good’! Dave still has an analogue mobile phone so texting is a bit of an arduous procedure for him. Mind you he is amazingly quick at it and I do often get much longer texts than this mornings one word! This was at 630am so he would have been getting ready for work.

He didn’t last all day at work on the Friday following treatment two weeks ago so this might be the case again today. He has a friend visiting for the weekend so I might not go to Canberra this afternoon. Whilst I would like to, Dave is pretty concerned about me driving when I’m tired and to be honest I’m a little worried about it to. I think a weekend at home sleeping could be on the cards.

Who likes airplane food?

I always have. It really doesn’t fit with my ‘fresh, local, in season’ ethos, but there’s something about it that I just love. I especially like long distance flight plane food for some reason ?


On this mornings flight (the fourth this week!) I was served apple and spice Greek yogurt, a blueberry mini muffin, OJ and a tiny pack of tic tacs. I gave the muffin a miss, but the rest was pretty good.

We left Sydney 30 minutes late because there was bad weather forecast for our landing in Wagga. You wouldn’t have known that from the great view out the window not long after take off.

 What a stunning world we live in ✈️?

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