Day 54

I just did a quick calculation using my calendar to make sure Day 54 was in fact the correct number. It was. I was worried that somehow I missed a day or added one on and I’d have to go back and change everything. I do like to do calculations. Out of all the various aspects…

Day 53

One of the good things about an overcast day is that the clouds hold in some warmth. This morning we had a balmy low temperature of 8c and Canberra is looking for a top today of 12c. For the middle of July in Canberra – that’s not too bad! Dave has woken up late, but is feeling marginally…

Day 52

It seems hard to believe it is Day 52 already. I just keep typing those day numbers up there in the title of each blog post, and they keep rolling on by. Whilst at times this has felt like it’s gone quite quickly, most of the time it seems to be taking an eternity. When…

Day 51

Hello all – sorry about the lack of posting! I am at work but am about to head off for a hair cut and colour and will then drive to Canberra tonight. I have some meetings tomorrow but all can be done via phone or Skype so I decided I might as well head over…

Day 49

This is going to be short and sweet – other things are definitely getting in the way of my blogging! Firstly – Dave. He had PET scans this morning. Results will be sent to the doctor soon. He has to take antibiotics again to make sure the sore on his nose doesn’t get infected. If…

Day 48

I’m at work. I was tempted to just post those three words and leave it a that. It seems I already don’t have time for blogging! I have mixed emotions. Guilt, excitement, fear, regret… and a few others. There were tears when I was alone in my house this morning getting ready for work. I…

Day 47

I’m safely home and ensconced in my warm house. With my favourite son, my favourite dog, my favourite bath, my favourite pillow, my favourite bed, my favourite… well the list goes on. I do like my home.     Cat number one was pleased to see me!           I arrived in…

Day 46

I’m heading off to Wagga shortly so that I make it to Collingullie in time to see Will play footy. Todays game is round 11 of the RFL competition and this will only be the 3rd game I have seen this year. The Gullie ground has car parking beside the oval, so hopefully, apart from visiting…

Day 45

Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. I have a secret to share… You know how lots of people think Canberra’s an awful place, well it actually isn’t. I am formally declaring that: I LIKE CANBERRA! A few considerations: Ok, there’s a lot of politicians here, and given tomorrow is election day, many, many people are completely over politicians, including…