Day 77


Another Bingo quote “All the sevens – seventy-seven”

Its been a big week already, and it’s only Tuesday.

First of all the absolutely fantastic, unreal, fabulous, terrific, delightful and hugely relieving news that the PET scan results show Dave is CANCER FREE!!!!!

Dave saw his Hematologist yesterday afternoon and received this news. He was pretty damn happy to hear it can I tell you. Whilst we were always super positive that the Chemo would work – it certainly is great to know that it actually has!

I am, nearly always, in awe of Doctors. But can I say, this one is particularly good. A friend of Dave’s drove him to yesterday’s appointment, and Dr Choi, knowing I would be keen to hear exacty what was happening, gave me a call on my mobile. Not many doctors would take the time to do that! He went through with me all the results and also gave me details of the upcoming radiotherapy. He explained why he needed to still have that treatment and what the future prognosis would be. I even got ‘question time’.

Now I have to say, whilst this is all fantastic news, Dave is not quite up for celebrating just yet. (He is in spirit but not so much in body). He is very short of breath today, to the point that he found it difficult to string a sentence together on the phone this afternoon.  He is popping those little nausea pills pretty regularly, and spending most of his time watching half hour old TV shows on his TV (via YouTube) so that he can have a sleep every half hour. This is likely to get a little worse over the next day or two then start improving by the weekend, and he is really looking forward to a couple of ‘Bloke’ friends from Wagga coming for a short visit on Saturday.

Tomorrow afternoon he is getting his tattoos put on which will guide the radiotherapist on where to give him treatment when that starts in a few weeks. There will be little permanent dot shaped reminders of this experience forever.

We have been doing a little ‘post-chemo’ planning and are looking forward to both my sisters, and their families, visiting Canberra the weekend after next. Dave is pretty fond of  his two sisters-in-law (I don’t mind them either) so it should be a great couple of days. Dave likes to host visitors to the city he has called home for over three years now, and showing his four nieces and nephews around the War Memorial will be a highlight for them all I’m sure. Personally I am looking forward to showing them my favourite places to eat. A weekend is not going to be long enough!

As I have mentioned, I started a new job (for 6 weeks) on Monday. So far so good, I am really loving the extra challenge and am learning so much… but it is taking up a fair bit of my time, hence no post yesterday.

Can I just finish by again thanking those who have been praying for us, helping us, supporting us and thinking of us. We are privileged to have the most amazing family and friends. We Love youse all 🙂

Sara x


Do you think if I buy Dave this t-shirt he would wear it? Maybe not 😉

I wonder if they make it in camouflage?


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Virginia says:

    Hugs, hugs and more hugs. Great news!

  2. Anonymous says:

    The most fabulous news xxxxx

  3. Brian says:

    Hi Sara
    Fantastic news for you all congrats to Dave he might just have to Kick some butt anyway
    Brian and Margie

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