Day 81


Finally, I have found time to sit down and blog.

It’s been a hugely busy week. I need to re-read my blogs from a couple of months ago, when I had plenty of time on my hands, not too much to do and actually thought through what I was doing and why.

Dave is finally feeling a little better, after what has been a pretty ordinary week. Thursday was the worst, where he felt nauseous, had aching arms, was breathless and exhausted. He said he had never felt so bad. Friday was a little better and he told me earlier that today he was back up to about 70 percent.

Hopefully within a few days he is back at least close to the 100% he was before this all began.

The radiation treatment starts in just over 2 weeks. He will have 15 treatments finishing in  the 2nd week of September. Apparently the side effects are far less than with Chemotherapy, so he should be able to work most days and keep things pretty normal.

It has been great to have Dad in Wagga for a few days this week. Even though Bek and I were working most of the time he was here, we still got to spend some good time together.

We started with a yummy dinner cooked by Karl on Wednesday night, Dad came on a road trip with me on Thursday,  Thai takeaway together last night and then watched Emilia play netball this morning. Thursday’s road trip included a stop in to see Uncle Phillip  and Aunty Dawn in Narranderra. We don’t see a lot of Mum’s brother so it was good to have a quick catch up with them and hear all their news.

Dinner by Karl – Pie and Veg!


Footy is at Coolamon this week and is therefore on Sunday rather than Saturday like it usually is. That means today is my day of getting things done. I got a few loads of washing through this morning (how does Will wear so many clothes?!)  collected the mail, did the grocery shopping, washed my car, inside and out, and took Darryl on a long walk.

Heading past our old house

Unfortunately, after I had left home to go on the walk I realized that my fit-bit was flat. I therefore don’t have a clue how many steps I took which will not help my ‘step’ competition with Victoria. Not that I get close to ever beating her anyway, but I walked for an hour flat out, so I have probably missed out on recording about 8-10,000 steps 🙂

This afternoon has also been about cooking. I usually have a cook-up on Sunday afternoons, but as footy is on tomorrow I got some cooking done today. I am also usually preparing for ABC Radio on sundays – so I do some cooking for home and the preparation for radio at the same time. For the next two weeks the Olympics will be broadcast on ABC Local radio, so no foodie sessions for 2 weeks.

Pretty much every week, I make a tray of lasagna for the week. Will loves lasagna and its good to have it in the fridge for when he gets home from work ‘starving’ or to have for dinner during the week. Whilst I had mince cooking I also turned some of the bolognaise  into spicy mince by adding crushed chili, a little chili sauce and some red kidney beans. This also makes an ideal afternoon snack, heated with a little rice and wrapped in some flatbread with cheese, lettuce and sour cream.

Today I also whipped up some M&M cookies – hopefully they will also last a few days for Will to snack on.  None of this food is for me – just snacks for a 20 year old that likes his food and would rather me cook it for him then buy it or make it himself. Why wouldn’t he I guess! He is actually not a bad cook, but if Mum’s here well… no point doing it yourself I guess 😉

Anyone else have a ‘cook up’ on the weekend to help them get though a busy work-week?

Check out this gorgeous boy  (our nephew)alex - Copy

On Wednesday Dad visited him at school whilst they were having an ‘olden-days’ event. He is an adorable kid… kind, gentle, intelligent and funny. . It’s lovely to have nieces and nephews and Dave and I enjoy spending time with them. Emilia and Alex are in Wagga so we get to see a bit of them, but Charlotte and Tom are in Sydney, so we miss them a bit. We are really looking forward to hanging out in Canberra with them all next weekend.

Dad and I watching Emilia at Netball this morning

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