10th October – A day in Venice


Our day in Venice yesterday was terrific. I don’t know where to start to tell you what we enjoyed most…

But first to clarify my declaration yesterday about my desire for ‘simple’.

By simple, I don’t mean boring. By simple, I don’t mean lacking intelligence. By simple, I don’t mean bread and butter for dinner.

I just mean uncomplicated. I so often overcomplicate things that just don’t need it. I see more in idle comments from others than what was intended. I worry about things that just don’t need worrying about.

Our simple breakfast here in the B&B yesterday was a great example of simple.

Yoghurt, cappuccino, marmalade croissant, orange and carrot juice. Small tables set in the narrow hallway outside the three rooms. Brief chit-chat with the other guests. A great, and simple way to start the day.

I love Dave’s smile here in the breakfast ‘hallway’!

My fitbit is turning into an essential travel accessory. Yesterday (Monday), it recorded over 18,000 steps. That doesn’t include the  hour or more walking at dinnertime. (It didn’t match my outfit 😉 )

On advice from our host, we purchased a 24 hour vaporetto pass, which allows you to travel on all the routes of the famous Venice water-bus.

Vaporetto ‘water bus’

We walked around Venice for about an hour before we purchased the pass so we only needed 24 hours worth. That way this morning we can use it to get to the Avis car pick-up spot. We got lost on numerous occasions, but I now have a SIM card for my phone so google maps has come in handy 😉

It was a cold and windy start to the day which made the water-bus trips a little bit more exciting! The drivers here could use a little training from the Church Point ferry drivers, Dad. I can see why their ferries don’t last too long!

We took a number of trips including both up and then back all the way along the Grand Canal.  As the day warmed up and the sun shone brightly we took in all the sights, and wow, there were so many.

Here are a few…

There are so many opportunities for great photographs here. Dave taught me about ‘leading lines’ – one of the pics above is him capturing some 🙂

This might seem sad to some, but whenever Dave and I travel we like to supermarket visit. It really tells you so much about a culture and the people. Venice supermarket visiting was no exception. Does anyone else supermarket visit on international holidays?

We also went to the vegetable market. Autumn vegetables were plentiful. Persimmons picture is for you Dad 🙂 How beautiful are those chilies?

And the obligatory dinner snaps. Another great recommendation from our host. Al Mascaron which specialized in ‘typical Venetian food’. Lots of fish – which is unusual for me. But we both loved it. Entrée was a seafood selection including the most delicious fresh sardines. My fish main was in a pine nut and raisin sauce. Tasted way better than that sounds! Both our mains served with soft polenta.

Followed by… you guessed it, Gelato on our walk back to the hotel. Strawberry and Pistachio flavours this time. I wonder how many flavours we can sample this week 😉


This morning we will have breakfast (yes Dave, I am hurrying!!) and then pack up and travel via vaporetto to the Avis shop to pick up a car and head on the Autostrada to Trieste. Who will drive and who will navigate? That is the question 🙂

10 Comments Add yours

  1. Amy says:

    I love going to supermarkets overseas, too! Venice is very beautiful, and it’s great to see Dave smile 🙂

  2. Bern Jones says:

    Sounds great Sara. I also like a supermarket or at least a local market when travelling and totally agree with you. Funny aren’t we!! Enjoy your trip sound awesome. Got to go cook a ‘simple’ dinner. Cheers Bern

  3. Anonymous says:

    Love being back reading your blog, it is much more positive this time xx

    1. It sure is. Onwards and upwards from here. I hope you enjoy your little break V xx

  4. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous being Virginia Kosman!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yep, I do the supermarket thing too lol – nothing like it…..I especially love looking at the labels on the groceries and having no idea what they are! For a bit of fun, follow someone who looks similar to your age/gender, watch what they put in their trolley and just grab the same item off the shelf and put it into your basket – don’t look closely till you get back to your motel – guaranteed laughs 😉

    1. What a fantastic idea Steve – will do in Trieste this afternoon. I hope we don’t come home with anything to strange haha!

  6. Steve F-T says:

    Oh, forgot to log in…that anonymous is me Steve F-T 😉

  7. peneloper21 says:

    I too love the smkts It makes you appreciate the true quality of freshness particularly in Australia.

  8. Brian Millar says:

    Visits to the supermarkets are a great way to learn about the locals and find some interesting little treats as well

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