In Slovenia, again!


This is going to be short, but sweet!

We have just arrived in the port of Koper, Slovenia. Its 7:30am and raining. We are only a few kilometers from where we ‘accidentally’ entered Slovenia a few days ago.

We will have a quick breakfast then head out to explore what looks to be a pretty town.

So breakfast yesterday was very, very good. If you were wondering?

Views over the Venice lagoon and a very sumptuous buffet. Dave particularly enjoyed the hot chocolate, which he now asks for with hot milk on the side as it’s VERY chocolaty. He could be writing his own blog on the ‘hot chocolates of Europe!’

He is working hard behind the scenes on this blog, often taking the photos and always editing for me. It’s good to have your own editor with you on holidays 😉 If you pick up on any grammatical or spelling errors, they are his fault not mine! (Which of course is unlikely as his journalist skills are very good 😉 )

By the way, I am in trouble for using the word journalist, apparently he is referred to as a ‘reporter’!

It was his suggestion to do full justification so the words justify to both sides of the page. Do you like it? Its the little things you know.

Photos of yesterday’s breakfast:

Yes, Dave had chocolate cake with his scrambled eggs and I had a blackberry tart with mine 🙂

The ship is lovely. Our cabin is lovely. The food is good on board, so far. More tomorrow, it’s time to go and explore Koper in the rain!

Dave and Sara xx

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