Rainy Slovenia


I have decided that it’s best to write posts in the evening for the next few days (Australian time early morning) as the internet is just so slow and photos take soooo long to load it is too much of a rush in the mornings.

As we sailed away from the port of Koper, Slovenia, this afternoon the sun came though the clouds for the first time today!

Our view leaving Koper

After breakfast today, we disembarked and walked into the town square, which was only a short distance away. First stop… you guessed it, the supermarket!

Tito square
and the Supermarket

We managed to stay relatively dry with our puffer coats and by sharing one umbrella. Nothing a hot shower didn’t fix when we got back to our cabin anyway!

Victoria, these next photos are for you. You would have loved Koper – friendly cats everywhere!

We wandered the streets of the old, walled town for a couple of hours. Even in the rain it was very beautiful. Old and traditional architecture. Small upmarket shops. A lovely fresh vegetable and fish market (photos at bottom) The town seemed quite prosperous.

We tried to find a shop that sold simple tee-shirts. Dave thought he had brought one suitable for wearing to exercise, but alas, it was an old holey one when he looked closer. Unfortunately we didn’t find anything suitable in Koper. I’m sure we will find something tomorrow in Dubrovnik.

We did get the other thing on today’s shopping list, Nurofen. Its not called that here – but is the same drug. Interestingly it is twice the potency of the Australian version. Just one seems to have sorted the headache I’ve had for a few days.

Dave also got a haircut in Koper today. The lady in the barber shop couldn’t speak a word of English but a ‘number two’ (indicated by holding up two fingers) is the same the world over. She did a very good job – and only eight euros!


We got back to the ship about midday and then rested up for a few hours, including some reading and a swim and spa at the indoor pool. Real holiday stuff – relaxing and taking it easy.

For dinner we went to the steakhouse. I had a very, very good sirloin steak. It amazes me you can get reasonable food at sea. You can also get some pretty awful food on board too. You just need to pick what you go for. A lot of people pile their plates high, therefore mixing everything they have selected together. As my Dad says, a little like a pig trough! We are being sensible at attempting some eating dignity 😉

There is a large range of nationalities aboard, both guests and crew. It has been lovely to talk to some of the crew and hearing their stories. The service levels are unbelievably high and everyone seems committed to doing their best. Our room attendant, Sebastian, is Romanian.

Tomorrow we arrive in Dubrovnik, Croatia, at 1pm.  We have booked a private car to take us sightseeing including a cross border drive into Bosnia. I need a country starting with the letter B, Dave already has two! (Bophuthatswana and Belgium).

Here are a few more photos from today – no dinner pics, I had no pockets in my formal gear which was the dress-code for tonight’s dinner 🙂





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