A lovely restful day on the Mediterranean Sea


SORRY – uploads are working at one picture an hour 🙁 Will try to get them to load in port tomorrow.

Today was a lovely relaxing day at sea made up of three simple things. Eating, sleeping and a little exercising.

For Dave, the exercise was 8500 steps around the walking track after breakfast this morning.

For me, laps of walking in the pool. Not terribly energetic but better than nothing!

I’m not sure how many of you are reading this blog. I can see the stats but it doesn’t distinguish between someone opening it up and glancing at it, and someone having a good read. Whilst the purpose of me writing the blog is to keep interested family and friends up-to-date, it is also a record-keeping exercise for us.

Today, I did a little cleanup of the photos, transferring them from my iPhone onto my laptop and sorting through them. Because of the slow upload internet speed I have been reducing the size of the images to add to this blog. I have been keeping the original image too, for looking at when we get home.

It has actually been a lovely task to do today and it’s amazing what I had already forgotten about.

Like seeing the restaurant named ‘Sara’ in Montenegro or watching the sunset as we left Malta. Or the photo we took crossing the border back from Bosnia into Croatia. Apparently the sign said ‘beware active mines’. Or how happy Dave was with his free ‘media’ entry to the War museum. Or this one of us in the magnificent (and famous) lobby of the Danieli Hotel in Venice.


Usually on one day each holiday, it really hits me that I am away from my kids. Even though they are approaching 24 and 21 I still miss them when I’m away from them. Today is the day. A few tears, especially when the band struck up ‘Have I told you lately that I love you’ tonight. I used to sing it to them when they were kids 🙂 Kisses and cuddles from the other side of the world Victoria and Will. We love and miss you both!

We are just about to head off to the steak restaurant for dinner. I decided to crack open the bottle of Prosecco they gave us in Campione for pre-dinner drinks. Not sure how couth it is drinking it in our room from a bathroom glass, but hey, it tastes nice. I’m not sure what I am going to do with the other half bottle though! It’s been beautiful and warm and sunny today, high 20’s at least. I think we have both got a little suntan. It seems amazing to me how quickly the weather warms up by just travelling a short distance closer to the equator.

Formal night again tonight x
pre-dinner drink 🙂


Tomorrow is a day in Palma, capital of the Spanish island of Mallorca. I would have dropped in to say hello to Pixie Skase, but apparently she moved back to Melbourne a few years ago. Shame.

 PS: we are just back in the room ready to go to bed. This is a picture of us just now – with the crisp US $5 note we won with the ‘free’ five dollar casino vouchers they gave us.


Good night all xx

One Comment Add yours

  1. Virginia Kosman says:

    I am opening, reading with interest and enjoying each blog post! V xx

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