Cocktails and Cruising


Our room includes a ‘drinks package’. Each day we are entitled to either 6 cocktails, a bottle of wine or 6 beers, plus unlimited juice, coffee, tea and soft drinks.

Considering Dave doesn’t drink alcohol, this has set me a bit of a challenge.

Last night before dinner we went and sat in the bar for a while. We only managed to use three of the cocktail vouchers; I had Pina Colada and a Pink Lady. Dave had a Virgin Colada. Maybe I should sell off the extra vouchers each day!

You would have thought a couple of drinks would have helped me sleep. Until about 2am, we were moving through the locks from the lower part of the Yangtze River to the higher part above the Dam. Apparently we were delayed due to someone not returning to the boat on time!  Each of the five moves required the engines to start, the boat to move forward, wait for the lock to fill, then move forward again. It made for plenty of noise and lights. It was definitely fascinating but along with the rock hard bed, not exactly conducive to a good nights sleep. We asked the room attendant to put another quilt under our sheets – so that might help tonight.

This was our view as we woke this morning.

After breakfast we headed off for today’s tour to the ‘Three Lesser Gorges”. We took a very dodgy ferry around 20km up the Daning river, a tributary of the Yangtze.  The scenery was magnificent. Extreme granite cliffs on both sides. The level of construction in China has totally overwhelmed me. Every where you look millions of dollars are being spent on new roads, bridges, high-speed train lines, apartments and shops.

The water got cleaner the further we got away from the Yangtze. It’s amazing how much garbage is in the Yangtze.

Today’s Food

Pretty ordinary Buffet, then another Buffet, then, you guessed it, another Buffet!

Todays deliberate mistake…

How do these three pictures connect together?

By the way – I got an email from a friend asking why I was just on the radio in Wagga when she thought I was in China. The magic of pre-record. If you’re interested I made Nutella Ricotta doughnuts with salted honey butterscotch sauce. They were VERY yummy! Recipe here:




3 Comments Add yours

  1. Anne Darmody says:

    Mmmmmmm those fish would have been tasty.

  2. Sara says:

    I decided not to try Anne. I haven’t got time for food poisoning!

  3. Virginia Kosman says:

    Finally caught up with you holiday so far, sounds interesting!

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