

Sunday 4th September. Shanghai. 27-31ºC. Partly sunny.

A little warning. Today’s blog contains discussion about snot. It has other good stuff too. But there is definitely a little of the not-so-pretty chat.

Dave has being feeling slightly under the weather over the last two days or so. Nothing too serious, just a slightly sore throat and a runny nose. He bought some Fisherman’s Friends last night hoping that would help, which it did a little.

Yesterday afternoon we took a walk along the Pudong side of the river. It was overcast and thankfully not too hot. Our hotel is also on the side of the river and had a great view over to the Bund.

A brief afternoon stop at a large shopping mall for… not shopping! Instead we both had a massage. At $40 for 70 minutes each it was good value, and it was also a great massage. We have been walking 15,000+ steps a day so my legs are a little tired 🙂 IMG_3208

Last night we had separate dinners. Dave was keen for Burger King (yep – he is married to me) and I was not so keen and looking for another great local chinese meal.

First stop – BK – A whopper and chocolate sundae for Dave. We then went to a restaurant in the same mall that had views across the river. The menu was one you filled in yourself and had both English and Chinese menu descriptions.

I choose lettuce with peanut sauce; chili pork with peppers, white rice and scallion bread. The scallion bread tasted like Garlic pizza. The pork was spicy but very tasty and the lettuce was , well… strange. All for around $20.

This morning we slept in a little, had a slow breakfast then around 10am took a taxi to the Shanghai Museum of Public Security. It was an excellent museum, great displays, lots of interesting artifacts, no charge. Only downside was that on all three floors of the museum there was only three signs in English. Dave still really enjoyed it.

Right next to the museum was a pharmacy. A delightful young lady helped us choose some medication and lozenges for Dave. About 5 other staff stood and watched her talk to us and giggled a lot. It was funny trying to explain to the girl that Dave had a sore throat and a runny nose. She seemed to understand the word ‘snot’ haha. As we were leaving she said in broken English ‘I wish you healthy soon’. Me too!

We then walked (and walked some more), found a great wet market for some more food scenery and eventually caught a taxi to the Bund (Riverside area in central Shanghai) and then walked to East Nanjing Street, a pedestrian only touristy street.  The taxi ride was not so great. It was very hot (no air-con) and the driver was constantly sniffing. It took all of my mental strength not to vomit (I am not exaggerating). They were not just little sniffs… but full-blown snotty ones. Surely I have had to put up without enough snot issues today! I did record the sound but it wont upload. Sorry you all miss out 😉

By this point we were both fading, so a fresh juice each, a sundae from KFC and then a taxi back to the Hotel for a rest.

We are heading into our last 24 hours In China. Final installment tomorrow 🙂

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