I’m making a list.

I have a few questions about going home that I don’t seem to be able to get answers for: Who is going to make my a lovely hot cup of tea the moment I get out of bed? Who is going to make me a delicious breakfast? Who is going to clean my room, make my…

Shoe blow out!

Thursday was a day of rest, as anticipated. A couple of times I thought about heading out for a walk, but due to extremely sore thigh and calf muscles I actually couldn’t really move. It was a site for sore eyes can I tell you! Throughout the morning I managed to hobble to the day…

White Water Rafting and Jungle Buggies

I’m going to tell you about dinner at Barbacoa on Tuesday night before I get into the thrills and spills of Wednesday. When Victoria, Will, Emma and I were here earlier this year we visited Barbacoa for dinner one night, and I have been looking forward to getting back there again ever since. Barbacoa is a…

Jack Spratt!

Yesterday was back to ‘boring’, and happily so. Our usual early morning swim was missed as by the time we got up breakfast was nearly ready. After breakfast we did have a swim, making sure we did plenty of walking laps to keep our fitness up (haha). All this lying around and eating is dangerous! It…

Rain please

This boring life is definitely the go! Monday was spent pretty much lazing about with a few simple activities involving pampering and eating in between 🙂 It seemed to be a little hotter yesterday, perhaps low 30s rather than high 20s. There were a few clouds about, but no rain, which is a shame. Its not like it is dry,…

Can we please move here?

I accidentally forgot to be bored yesterday… but had a fabulous day! What a great Sunday we had. We started with our usual breakfast of eggs on toast, fresh fruit, juice for Dave and a decent cup of tea (or three) for me. Each morning we have been getting up for an early swim. Dave has…

A good book and a lie down :)

I do like a good book. Preferably lying somewhere comfortable, with no interruptions and interspersed with naps. Have you read Pomegranate Soup? I’m loving it. Thanks to Helen and Gill for recommending it, you are right its foodie romance genre makes it the perfect book for me! Breakfast each day is made for us by…

Boring Bali

Did that catch your eye? Boring Bali!!! Social media seems to me mostly about the ups and the downs rather than the mundane. A great meal, a proud parent, an exciting holiday. A broken relationship, a hard day at work, unwell or difficult children. Because of this it can appear to those who skim SM posts that their ‘friends’ lives…