Rain please

This boring life is definitely the go! Monday was spent pretty much lazing about with a few simple activities involving pampering and eating in between 🙂

It seemed to be a little hotter yesterday, perhaps low 30s rather than high 20s. There were a few clouds about, but no rain, which is a shame. Its not like it is dry, as it is in Australia, where we definitely need a heap of rain to break the horrid drought.  This villa would just suit a good downpour. With the living areas being open to the pool and garden, and the bathroom (complete with deep stone bath) completely outdoors, I’d love it to rain so I can have a bath in the rain.  The place we lived in before our current home we had an outdoor spa and I loved getting in when it was raining. I suppose it’s not good to want rain for such selfish desires, so I really want it to rain in Wagga not Bali!

After breakfast we listened to myself on ABC Riverina, streaming it through my phone using the ABC listen app. Strange thing to do I know, but I rarely get to hear myself as it’s usually live rather than pre-recorded. Can someone please make me stop saying, ‘you know’ ‘so’ and speaking so quickly?


We got a second scooter yesterday so Dave didn’t have to dink me. I think it was a bit tricky for him having me on the back and trying to manage the traffic, people and directions! And maybe he was worried about the poor motorbike breaking under the weight. I’ve lost some weight over the past year, so I didn’t take this as a compliment haha 😉

Late morning we headed out for an explore on the scooters. We only rode for about 20 minutes, but took in the whole Seminyak central area including the beach. Neither of us like the beach (damn it, I hate sand!) so we only stayed five minutes. There was some sort of religious ceremony happening but the sand was too hot (even through sandals) to stay and watch. Hence Dave’s frown 😉 Not sure what his matching hat excuse is hehe.

We then hopped back on the scooters and headed to lunch at Merah Putah, which I  booked a few weeks ago.  One of the problems with doing so much restaurant research is that your expectations can be very high. This was the case with this place. Dave thought it was pretty good, but I was disappointed.  The room was impressive and the service was attentive enough. We started with a drink each (Dave had pineapple and passionfruit juice and me a vodka soda. Back on the no sugar drinks 😉 )

They gave us a little soupcon of chicken noodle soup. Reminded me of a ‘cup of soup’, all I could taste was fake chicken stock powder. I ordered slipper lobster me-goreng and Dave ordered spiced lamb ribs. I’m not sure if I ordered badly, but the noodles we too soft, the flavour too strong, not much lobster and what was there was pretty flavourless. It was also only luke warm and needed more sauce (a cup of stock would have finished it off better I think). The side of corn fritters were quite good. Dave then ordered dessert which was definitely the highlight. It was a coconut pannacotta, with pandan gel, coconut ice and strawberry gelato. Well presented and a delightful contrast of temperatures and textures. Total meal cost around A$50.  7/10.

In the afternoon, Dave went to a nearby spot for a massage and I headed off on the bike to a hair salon for a hair treatment and eyebrow tint. Two hours of luxury including nearly an hour where they massaged treatment into my scalp.  You know when you go to the hairdresser and you wish the scalp massage never ends? Well just like that but for a whole hour, while overlooking rice paddies. Bliss! After the eyebrow tint and blow dry I wasn’t keen to put the helmet on (but I was a good girl and did) and headed back to the Villa.

We bought some chocolate and chocolate milk yesterday – so Dave had an afternoon tea he loves!


A little read/nap finished the afternoon and then we headed to eat street for dinner. I was thinking we would buy a few items from the supermarket and cook in, but couldn’t find anything suitable, so we had pasta (me) and a burger (DM) at the ‘Italian Job’. Low expectations ensured a good outcome – the meal was actually very good, especially the Italian salad and the fresh warm bread basket. Nothing like a decent pizza oven to make great bread! 8/10.

 I’m still on Aussie time, so was asleep before 9… and awake at 5am. But getting great sleep in between so its a big improvement on the usual.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Brian Millar says:

    Sounds like a great trip so far the food sounds fantastic

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