I’m making a list.

I have a few questions about going home that I don’t seem to be able to get answers for:
  • Who is going to make my a lovely hot cup of tea the moment I get out of bed?
  • Who is going to make me a delicious breakfast?
  • Who is going to clean my room, make my bed and give me fresh soft fluffy towels each day?
  • Where am I going to lay down for my naps during the day?
  • How am I going to jump in the pool regularly through the day, if I don’t have a pool?

These and so many more. Nearly time for a reality check, Sara!

Saturday was our last full day in Bali. It was spent, you guessed it, doing more of the usual… a whole lot of not too much 😉

Another great Nasi Goreng to start, Facebooking (DM), blogging (SM), swimming and napping to start the day.

Our dirty clothes arrived back clean, ironed and neatly packed within 24 hours, all for less than $5. That’s another question for my list! (Actually I have an amazing husband who does all that at home 😉 )


I had booked a massage and facial for 11am, but they contacted me and changed it to 1pm. It was at the same place I went to earlier in the week. Unfortunately, not as great as last time, but maybe I have overdone the whole pampering thing 😉 The scooter ride there was a little hairy also, it’s possibly good they went back to the hire place last night. Occasionally people give me a look as I’m riding past, you know the one, ‘have a look at that old woman on the scooter’!

I got back to the villa around 4pm and, without having had lunch, was feeling rather peckish, so we popped down to Ginger Moon, which is only about 100m from us. Dave LOVED his banana split (he choose a scoop of banana and a scoop of chocolate ice cream) and I finally had some chicken satay sticks, with rice and grilled chilli corn as a side. A great passionfruit mojito went down a treat too! The satay was fabulous; spicy, nutty and flavoursome, the rice just perfect, the corn was good too, but a tad too spicy for me. $40, 7/10.

Dave announced early on Saturday that it was his restaurant choice day, and fair enough! I did slip in my choice for the late lunch (sorry darling!), but he absolutely got his choice for dinner at Johnny Rockets.

He has visited this hamburger chain in quite a number of countries, and has a particular fondness for their strawberry shakes, so he enjoyed his shake with a hamburger and chips. I ordered a chicken salad, and it wasn’t too bad. Not quite up to this week’s high standards though!

They also do this fun singing/dancing thing every hour or so:

[wpvideo q4ZbZ0rZ ]

We are now eating breakfast and contemplating packing up and leaving the villa. I am also adding so many more questions to my list. Why do I have to go home being a damn good one to start!

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