Day 12 plus

Day 12 – Monday 18th March should have been our last day in Sri Lanka. Will, Emma and Victoria did catch the plane back to Australia, unfortunately Dave and I didn’t.

Dave’s still not very well. By mid-morning yesterday we decided it was time to get a doctor. The reception people here helped me find one who visits hotels. After phoning a few – we managed to get onto someone who spoke good English and could come within a few hours.

He turned up at about Midday and had a good talk to Dave and gave him a thorough examination. He explained that he thought it was an acute case of Gastroenteritis, probably caused by bacteria and said that it would not be a good idea for Dave to fly.

He came back a couple of hours later with a range of medications including antibiotics, nausea tablets, hydration powder and pain killers. He was really very lovely and has since been phoning and texting to check up on us. He will come back again tomorrow to determine if he is ready to fly.

Its now 730pm Tuesday and we have heard from the kids – they are safely back in Australia.

I have set up a little office here in the apartment,  and managed today to still attend a couple of work meetings via Skype and get through the backlog of emails. Not an ideal situation, but at least I can still get some work done and keep busy. With good internet its really no different to working in my office in Wagga! (apart from the lovely people I work with not being here 😉 )

I think Dave has made a slight improvement since yesterday. He’s definitely not ready to fly yet, but hopefully by the time the doctor gets here tomorrow he is well enough for him to issue a ‘fit to fly’ certificate. Once we have that document the insurance company can then help arranging new flights back to Australia.

The hotel staff have been very lovely, bringing up the uber eats delivery, lots of bottled water and checking on us.  img_6763

About 1/2 hour ago I popped over to the supermarket across the road. I managed to buy rolled oats and fresh milk. It’s what I have every day for breakfast at home – so it was a great dinner for me tonight… even if I had to eat it out of the leftover takeaway soup container as there is no bowls in the apartment!

Here a couple of snaps from other meals we have had in the last few days:

  1. Chinese at ‘TAO’ one of fourteen restaurants at the Grand Cinnamon Hotel – including fantastically crispy Peking duck (yum).
  2. Delicious Chilli and Garlic Crab at ‘Ministry of Crab.’ Victoria stayed home with Dave last night (they don’t like crab anyway 😉 ) whilst Will, Emma and I went to this restaurant. It is regarded as the best in Sri Lanka. I booked months ago so my expectation and anticipation levels were high. It was truly amazing, so fresh and tasty and delicious and spicy and… there are simply not enough adjectives!
  3. Breakfast at Uga Residence which is a short walk from the apartment. Also a well regarded restaurant in Colombo. I had Eggs Benedict and a lovely pot of Chai tea.
  4. Uber eats delivered today  – Chicken and corn soup, a Greek salad and chicken skewers with chilli and green mango salad.


  1. (including the picture of the leftovers – we couldn’t eat it all!)

2. including the supplied bib!

3. Breakfast

4. Takeaway

5. Chef preparing Peking Duck at the table

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For those of you wondering when we will be home and how Dave is… I’ll keep you updated. Please don’t worry, he is in good hands and slowly improving.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Susan says:

    Wishing a speedy recovery for Dave and a safe trip home Sara

  2. darmo1569 says:

    Good hands meaning yours ? Saintly Sara

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