Day 13 of Isolation: Tuesday 31st March

As luck would have it, Day 13 has been pretty good! We woke up healthy, we organised food to be delivered to Dave’s Mum, I went to work and achieved lots of things (and had lots of meetings), we ate well, and we enjoyed each other’s company. And as we roll over to April Fools…

Day 12 of Isolation: Monday 30 March 2020

When two is company, and three’s a crowd! As the rest of the country is being pulled into lockdown, step by step, (eg maximum of two people in a ‘crowd’) I am feeling more and more like where we are, at home in isolation, is exactly the right place to be. While we had to go…

Day 11 of Isolation: Sunday 29 March 2020

‘Legs 11’, calls the Bingo leader. 11 days down means only three full days to go, after today. I couldn’t tell you the last time I played Bingo, but yes, I have. When I was working as a Customs Officer in the mid-late 80s, a group of us used to regularly go to Granville RSL…

Day 10: 28th March 2020

These are a few of my favourite things. As Julie Andrews so beautifully sang in The Sound of Music: “When the dog bites When the bee stings When I’m feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things And then I don’t feel so bad”  ‘Favourite things’ can be people, places, items, tastes, sights even sounds… here…

Day 9: TGIF. Friday 27 March 2020

Thank goodness it’s Friday. Seems a strange thing to say when the weekend will bring much of the same ok same ol – staying at home! But it has been a big work week. My brain, if not my body, is exhausted. It’s always a bit challenging heading back to work after leave, but in…

Day 8 – Hump day: Wednesday 26 March 2020

Are we there yet? For so many children this is an oft-used statement, especially when on a long road trip. My two, when they were young, used to ask it around Gundagai, one hour into a five hour trip from Wagga to Sydney. Today, I am behaving in a child-like manner and using it myself!…

Halfway there! Day 7: 25 March 2020

14 days of isolation, and we are up to day seven. Technically we wont be half way through until the end of today… but remember I’m keeping things positive! Positives We are both pretty healthy. Online orders of various kinds are arriving regularly – groceries, fruit and vegetables, plus other random things including some delicious…

Day 6 of Isolation: 24 March 2020

Perspective   Todays list of advantages and disadvantages: Plusses My kitchen is only two metres from my ‘home office’. If I need a cup of tea or a pot needs stirring or I want to be distracted by looking aimlessly through my pantry; I don’t have far to walk. We are getting jobs done around…

Working from home: Day 5 of Isolation 23 March 2020

I’m all ready to return to work! I got up early (which was about three hours after I woke up), had a soak in the bath before daybreak, watched the sun come up from the back room, watched the bins be collected sitting on the floor with Darryl, and have had Weetbix for breakfast. Will…

Slowly, Slowly. Day 4 of Isolation: Sunday 22 March 2020.

Slowly. I’m trying to take things slowly. It’s not the normal state of play for me.  I’m more of a take things fast kind-of-a-girl. Since we are here, locked in our home for 14 days, it does seem the ideal time to try to change things up a bit. Or maybe I should say change…

We are all chipper here: Day 3 of Isolation, 21 March 2020

As I said yesterday, there’s good things and bad things about being in isolation for 14 days. As each day passes I’ll share my thoughts on that with you. So far, we have not left the house (apart from the backyard) for about 48 hours. This would definitely be a record  for me, and probably…

Self-isolation: A new blog series

Due to popular demand, and the very real desire to keep connected with you, my friends and family during this time, I have decided to continue to write my blog for the next couple of weeks. As you probably all realise, Dave and I are in compulsory self-isolation, having returned from Thailand yesterday. There are…

The Eagle Has Landed!

Since we are on movie themes, this one seems appropriate for today! The Eagle (us) has landed (in Sydney anyway)! While there is no plot to steal Winston Churchill, like there is in the movie (Movie synopsis here) we have certainly been on a big adventure, and at times it was like something out of…

Last plane out of Bangkok! Day 11&12: 17/18 March 2020

Who’s seen the movie ‘Last Flight Out’? It was released in 1980 and is based on the true story of the last American evacuees who left Saigon in April ‘75, at the end of the Vietnam war. Well this situation is nothing like that dramatic! But here we are, heading back to Bangkok to catch…

Time for some R&R! Day 10: 16 March 2020

Holidays achieve a lot of things, not least of which is to recharge your batteries from the busyness of life and work. When I’m working I go hard. Long hours, heaps of work travel, all-time emails, early starts, late finishes.  I’m not complaining, at all. I love my job, and it’s important to me that I…

It’s all about food! Day 9: 15 March 2020

You only live twice once. A quick quiz: What’s Sara’s favourite thing to talk about? What is the first thing Sara thinks about in the morning? What’s the last thing Sara thinks about at night? What does Sara think about more than anything else? Food, Food, Food, Food! Day 9 was all about it. The…