Working from home: Day 5 of Isolation 23 March 2020


I’m all ready to return to work!

I got up early (which was about three hours after I woke up), had a soak in the bath before daybreak, watched the sun come up from the back room, watched the bins be collected sitting on the floor with Darryl, and have had Weetbix for breakfast. Will dropped a few staples on the front verandah last night (milk, bread, dishwashing liquid), so I was happy to have milk on my cereal for breakfast. The milk supplies were getting low yesterday and I thought I might have to ration, but #1 son saved the day 🙂

As promised, a running commentary on the good and bad of isolation:


  1. I don’t have to drive to work. It normally only takes me five or so minutes, but that’s 10 minutes back in my day!
  2. I can wear comfy leggings and no shoes to work. (note to self: remember not to stand up during a videoconference). I still have a decent top, jewellery and makeup on though 🙂


  1. Missing Victoria, Will and Emma, big time. Talking to them on the phone is not the same as hugs and kisses.
  2. Worrying about them, their ability to keep working, and their exposure to the virus. You never stop worrying about your kids do you?

love children

My ‘slow’ projects from yesterday are making good progress.

1. Sourdough starter

This morning I completed step 3 (Day 2) which was to:

1. Remove all but 125g of the start from the container.

2. Add 125g plain flour and 125 g water to the jar and stir well to combine.

3. Use a clean spatula to scrape the sides of the jar down to clean

4. Closed the jar and sat it aside in a warm place for 24 hours (next to the cooking lamb!)

Look how well it is progressing:

2. Mustard

Firstly I sterilised a jar by washing it on the hot cycle of the dishwasher, then drying it in a warm oven for 10-15 minutes.

The mustard seeds have soaked in beer overnight. I blended them, with the beer and a pinch of chilli flakes, some salt, a tablespoon each of vinegar and honey, and a pinch of nutmeg and spooned the mustard into the jars. I’ll now leave it to develop for a few days, then do a taste test!

2. Sous-Vide Lamb Leg

The lamb has just finished its 24 hours of cooking. It’s a big leg, I think there will be enough for the two of us for three or four meals at least!  Before dinner tonight I’ll finish it in a hot oven. Final pics tomorrow, but so far it looks pretty good.


Dave made me lunch today – a great cheese toastie:


For afternoon tea, we enjoyed some yoghurt which I made in the yoghurt maker overnight, topped with a dollop of nectarine compote, which I also made last night simply by dicing nectarines, adding sugar and simmering till soft and thick. Yum Yum 🙂

We sure are looking forward to dinner. The lamb is in a hot oven (250°C) at the moment along with carrots, pumpkin and potato. I’ve got the juices and garlic from the cryovac bag reducing as gravy. I’ll add some peas and brocollini and we will have a full roast dinner. You’ll have to wait till tomorrow to see the pictures, but i gave it a taste test, and even before I put it in the oven the lamb was tender and oh so flavoursome!

Catchya on Day 5! I’m starting to go a little stir crazy, but hopefully tomorrow will be easier as we count down the days.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Steph says:

    Loving your blog. Enjoy reading your recipes too. Can’t wait until we get to catch up!

    1. Sara says:

      I’m counting down the days Steph x

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