Halfway there! Day 7: 25 March 2020


14 days of isolation, and we are up to day seven.

Technically we wont be half way through until the end of today… but remember I’m keeping things positive!


  1. We are both pretty healthy.
  2. Online orders of various kinds are arriving regularly – groceries, fruit and vegetables, plus other random things including some delicious local prunes (thanks @Ann Furner).
  3. I found time to unpack my new SMEG stainless cutlery set (that I bought at a charity auction a month or so ago).


  1. I did wake up feeling nauseous. The fact I am sleeping worse than I normally do is no doubt not helping. Maybe my body is in sympathy with my very dear friend Jules who is expecting. (Note: no cough, sore throat or other COVID-19 symptoms)
  2. I’m missing and worrying about the kids more than ever. I’m missing my local friends and family as I normally see them regularly, but I am also thinking a lot about the more distant family: Dad and Pamela, Katrina, Simon, Charlotte and Tom, Mark and Lee. Love youse all xxx
  3. I’m not exercising enough. This will definitely be contributing to #1 above. Darryl will run around the backyard with me for about five minutes, then he gives up and lies down.

Prunes arrival and enjoying them with home made yoghurt and nectarines:

Darryl and I resting after our backyard ‘jog’. He looks so happy doesn’t he? img_0821

After ‘feeding’ the sourdough starter this morning, I used the portion of it that the recipe says to discard, to make pancakes for Dave for breakfast.  The starter didn’t rise as much today, so I hope it haven’t done something wrong! Dave says the pancakes were up to the usual standard, but not as good as Pammy’s pikelets! (who could compare).

I’m typing this up early today as I have meetings back-to-back all day. Yesterday I wrote the blog early (5am!), then added a few bits and pieces during the day… I doubt that will work today.

Dave warmed me some of the soup I made on the weekend and served it with toast for lunch yesterday. Eating at my desk is as lazy a habit at home as it is in the office! It was even yummier than when I made it – licked the bowl clean 😉

img_0817Does anyone know the ‘rules’ about sharing food? I don’t want to put anyone at risk, but if I had time to make some food, hot cross buns for example, and wanted to give them away, would that be the wrong thing or right thing to do? Advice appreciated.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe (and at home of you can!).



One Comment Add yours

  1. Sue Roman says:

    Looks like u’ve got this self-isolation down pack. Good food and a personal butler 🙂 Not sure about the sharing of food – home-made hot cross buns sound yummy though. Have a good day 🙂

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