I’m back!


Hello everyone.

You were probably not expecting to hear from me, given that there is no overseas travel and all.

But alas, here we are.

I’m sure you all know about my love of cricket. For the last few years, I’ve joined my Dad and brother in South Australia to watch the Adelaide test. In fact, I became a member of the SA Cricket Association a couple of years ago.

This year Dave, Victoria and Braden decided to make the trip to South Australia with us. Excitement built over the weeks preceding our arrival. An Air BNB was found, flights arranged for the Sydney crew and accommodation booked for a stop over in Mildura for Dave and I.

As we all rendezvoused in the small, but well-located house in North Adelaide, the chatter began. Arrangements for walking to the ground each day were discussed, beds allocated, morning pre-cricket trips considered and, importantly, menus prepared and restaurants booked.

I’m sure many of you also know that my Dad and his beautiful wife Pamela live on the northern beaches. While they left home to travel to western NSW on their way to Adelaide early morning without interacting with anyone on December 11, (known as ‘Day 0’), that means that they were, in theory, in the ‘high-transmission zone’ during the allocated dates, and were contacted by SA health, asked to get tested and self-isolate. Victoria and Braden had also recently visited Braden’s parents, who live not far from Dad, so they were in the same boat.

So, to cut a long story short, we are quarantining in Adelaide until December 30.

I thought some blog writing would help. It will be very cathartic (and time taking) for me and hopefully keep those family and friends who are interested up-to-date.

Tomorrow we move to a new house, due to the time running out here. I’m not disappointed about that, as three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a very small backyard has been a little cosy 😉

I have grocery shopped online in preparation for the move to the next house. According to the lovely lady we toured the Central Markets with last week, the ‘best supermarket in the world’ is in Adelaide – Pasadena Foodland. You can only imagine how excited I was to discover they offered online shopping! (check out the amazing list). After lengthy research I have also ordered a ham to be delivered Wednesday from Saint Meat.

So that’s probably enough for now. Time to continue with my indoor walking. I’ve managed 1377 steps so far today 😉

One Comment Add yours

  1. Amy says:

    Oh man, crazy times! I’m glad you aren’t alone. Have a super surprise iso Christmas!

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