The Living Daylights


Vienna, Austria: 2nd Instalment (Saturday 20th August 2022)

The day began like any other… haha, I feel like I am writing a fairy-tale. Actually it feels like I am in a fairy-tale!

Saturday did start with – eating, of course 😉

The Neuermarkt’s hotel breakfast was a step up from their hard beds and dodgy pillows, and we enjoyed tea, fresh bread (with great butter and jam) and then tinned pears and yoghurt before heading out on the day’s adventures!

A bucket list item got a big tick today for me – riding in a horse and carriage through the parks and streets of Vienna. The hotel owners husband took us for a tour around central Vienna in his minibus before dropping us at the stables at the far end of the Prater, a very large park that was designed by Emperor Franz Josef in the late 1800’s to rival the Champs Élysées. There we boarded our carriage being led by the most gorgeous chestnut and dapple grey horses for their first trip of the day – into the city from the stables for their work day. The hotel owner gets the trip super cheap as no horses are allowed into the city early unless they have a booking, so it’s a win-win for us both!

The hour long trip (9-10am), first through the large park and then through the city was, quite simply, lovely. We sat quietly and took in the surroundings which included early morning joggers and children playing and then, as we moved into the city streets, couples sharing coffees in sidewalk cafes, tourists pounding the pavements and shops opening to the sound of church bells regularly ringing.

A quick kiss goodbye from Bobbie the 17 year old chestnut (who retires soon on his 18th birthday) and back to the hotel for a freshen up and preparation for the task of the day – seeing the filming locations of ‘The Living Daylights’.

For those James Bond aficionados (eg Amy and Claire), The Living Daylights filmed a number of key scenes in Vienna including scenes actually set in nearby Brataslava. (In 1987 the communists would not allow JB movies to be filmed in Czechoslovakia)

Again Ubers and ‘Bolts’ were our methods of transport, and cheaply and easily moved us around to the destinations Dave had spent much time researching.

First stop was Volksoper (translates Peoples Opera) where Dave hoped to rescue General Koskov as he climbed out of the toilet window. Alas, the Opera was undergoing renovations so the General needed to stay in the bathroom 😉

On a positive note the associated renovation scaffolding prevented femme fatale Kara Milovy from taking a shot at us with her sniper rifle as Dave ran across the street to the safe house.

Mr Uber kindly delivered us to Kara’s house in a nearby suburb where we easily found the spot that Jimmy B rescued Kara and her Cello.

Kara’s house

Another filming location was just around the corner, the old tram depot where JB ducked into the ‘toiletten’ to examine the contents of Kara’s Cello case and found a rifle instead of a Cello!

I hope you all appreciate that 2nd photo. Dave had to buzz into an apartment block then walk down the side of the building for me to take that photo through the security fence!

The final stop on our Living Daylights tour (someone should really set one up – ours was self-planned!) was back to the Prater and to the Amusement Park where James and Kara took a Ferris Wheel ride. We pre-booked tickets and waited around 15 minutes to be loaded into the individual cabins and, would you believe it, we were put in car number 10, the same one that was used in the film!

Since we were already at the large and busy Amusement Park we also rode on a ghost train, it’s been a while since I’ve done that ?

Ghosts train ride time

And of course a shooting gallery for Dave, just like Timothy Dalton did as James Bond!

Our final dinner in Vienna was in a nearby bier Haus – Dave couldn’t resist another Snitty and I loved my beef tartare with a side of veggies (that included fennel ?), followed by sharing a delicious dessert that I have forgotten the name of. Basically fried sweet dumplings with berry dipping sauce, who wouldn’t love that!

I did omit one key activity today – lunch! The very famous Central Cafe had been booked for some time and it did not disappoint. It first opened in 1882 and apparently the interior remains the same. Beautiful chandeliers, a gorgeous delight-filled cake cabinet and the most lovely and friendly bow-tie clad waiters, all supported the star of the show – the delicious food.

Chocolate Cake and Apple Strudel, both with ice-cream is a suitable lunch, ya?

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Amy says:

    This is going to be a difficult day to top!

    1. Sara says:

      Very unlikely to be topped @Amy, but we will do our best to try 😉

  2. bjmillar61 says:

    Looks like a great JB adventure day not sure about the open air car on the Ferris Wheel the cafe looks more my style.

    1. Sara says:

      Yes no way was I going on the open air car!

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