Day 47

I’m safely home and ensconced in my warm house. With my favourite son, my favourite dog, my favourite bath, my favourite pillow, my favourite bed, my favourite… well the list goes on. I do like my home.     Cat number one was pleased to see me!           I arrived in…

Day 46

I’m heading off to Wagga shortly so that I make it to Collingullie in time to see Will play footy. Todays game is round 11 of the RFL competition and this will only be the 3rd game I have seen this year. The Gullie ground has car parking beside the oval, so hopefully, apart from visiting…

Day 45

Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. I have a secret to share… You know how lots of people think Canberra’s an awful place, well it actually isn’t. I am formally declaring that: I LIKE CANBERRA! A few considerations: Ok, there’s a lot of politicians here, and given tomorrow is election day, many, many people are completely over politicians, including…

Day 44

A lack of truffles has made me grumpy. First world problem? Most definitely. This morning I walked to the local medical centre for a 9am appointment to see a doctor about my scalp. I now have a range of medications to take/use (including antibiotics) so between Dave and I the bathroom bench here looks like an…

Day 43

Treatment day is here again. He is booked in for 815am, so this is an early start! Yesterday I made some Anzac biscuits to take out to the nurses at the oncology ward. Do you prefer your Anzac biscuits chewy or crunchy? Personally I like  them a little bit chewy, so I made that recipe….

Half way!

Today is Day 43 – and Dave is HALF WAY THROUGH his Chemo! Yay! This doesn’t include the 3 weeks of radiotherapy afterwards – but hey we are keen to knock over some milestones 🙂 The cover pic is one I took on my walk at dusk last night. No filter and taken with my…

Day 41

We are back in COLD Canberra. It was a warm (comparatively) 3 degrees this morning, so Dave decided to go to work on his motorbike!  He hasn’t been to work for well over a week, so he was pretty happy that he was up to going in. He is definitely not as well as he…

Day 39

First of all can I say very sorry for the intermittent posts this week. It been a bit of a hard one! Dave is FINALLY home from hospital at Kapooka 🙂 Things went a bit pear shaped on Wednesday evening after one of the nurses decided to ‘push’ the antibiotics into his cannula rather than adding…

Day: who knows!

I left my computer in Canberra so I’m trying to post this from my phone which is a bit of a challenge.I don’t even know what day we are up to. To make it worse its a replacement phone (dodgy) while my new one is on order. I thought we were only going to be…

Day 33

Steps. They are my latest obsession. Way back on Day minus 1 of this blog, I said that “Three flights of stairs really affects your shopping habits. Any recipe suggestions in this blog may be more about ingredient weight than suitability to the taste buds of Dave whilst undergoing chemo.” Well it turns out I was…

Day 32

Today’s post is brought to you by the word ‘Why’. It’s one of the most commonly used words in the English language. Maybe not as common as: the, it, if, of, or and, but according to a website I came across it is the 178th most used word. Which, considering the thousands of words we have…

Day 31

Cover pic – tomorrow it’s going to be a (relatively) warm one – only minus 1! Dave has the real estate agency coming tomorrow to do an annual inspection. Dave is one of the cleanest and neatest people I know.  Having said that, he is now busy cleaning and tidying the flat. Its the army…

Day 30. Treatment number 3

It’s minus 5.5 in Canberra this morning. I haven’t stepped outside yet, but I’m not keen. Minus 5.5! You’ve got to be kidding don’t you? I can see there is a heavy frost. I have to walk about 50meters to where my car is parked. It is parked on the street with no cover, so…

Day 29

Wow – nearly a month since the Chemotherapy started. I wont say times flies – because it’s definitely not a case of time flies when your having fun. However, in hindsight it has gone relatively quickly. Its has been nearly 6 weeks since I have worked. Have I mentioned my fantastic team and especially my…

Day 27

No post yesterday and just a quick one today, sorry. We have ben busy spending time with Victoria, it is so lovely to have her here. I am about to head off to drive to Wagga. Dave and Victoria will spend the day together and she will fly out later this afternoon. I’m just having…

Day 25

S  l  o  w  l   y It’s something I’m learning about. I’m usually more of a quickly sort of person. Yesterday morning I drove over to Belconnen to get my car serviced. If I had got there by 8am, I would have been able to catch the courtesy mini bus into the city, but I…