Day 24

I’ve done some calculations through the night. (My work colleagues will know I do my best work in the middle of the night!) If Day 1 was the first time Dave had Chemo treatment, and he has to have at least 6 treatments, then the 6th treatment will be on the 27th of July, which…

Day 23

So I went a bit ‘public’ with this blog yesterday, sharing it on my work Facebook page. Thank you to all those who sent messages of support. To be truthful, It was a little bit of a cry for help. I don’t actually want any ‘help’ as such, but I was feeling very low yesterday. …

Day 22

Sorry to those I confused with yesterday’s post – it wasn’t anyone’s 21st Birthday, it was just 21 days since Dave’s Chemo started. Yesterday was Dave’s worst day so far. He was extremely tired, ached all over and spent most of the day asleep. We used heat packs on his back last night which helped a…

Day 21

Not sure if it’s a happy 21st Day. Just as expected, Dave has awoken feeling blah. He hasn’t gone to work and has only just got up and showered. It’s really not too bad all things considered, but not nice to go through none-the-less. I have spent the morning doing work budgets and emails and…

Day 20

We had a fabulous weekend. We travelled to Wagga on Friday afternoon. I had my hair booked to be cut at 3pm, so Dave dropped me there and then went and visited his good friend Rob. When he came to pick me up I asked my hairdresser if she could give Dave a pre-emptive strike…

Day 17

My attitude has improved since yesterday, which I’m sure you’re all pleased about… nothing worse than listening to whinging! Dave is feeling pretty good today. We know from the last treatment that days 5-8 are the hardest, and day 5 after this treatment is Sunday – so hopefully we can have a good few days in…

Day 16

I’m a bit over it. Is that totally self-centered of me? I miss Wagga. I want things to be back to normal. I want Dave to be well and everyone to be happy and everything to be well, peachy. OK, so that might be a bit much to ask. So instead of just being ‘over it’…

Day 15

As I said yesterday, there are 4 weeks in a ABVD Chemotherapy cycle. Today is day 15, and therefore his next instalment of Chemo. When we arrived at the hospital, we discovered there was a free all-day car park. Admittedly its 300 meters away from the oncology ward – but that’s way better than moving…

Day 14: Tuesday 31st May

And here we are back at day minus 1 again. I now know why they call them ‘cycles’. It’s round and around we go! Tomorrows treatment is the 2nd part of cycle 1. So in a 28 day cycle, Dave gets treatment on day 1 and day 15. Dave is pretty much feeling 100%, and tomorrow we…

Day 13

Will I, wont I, will I, wont I… These were my thoughts on Friday morning. Should I stay in Canberra with Dave who was feeling pretty good, not 100%, but not terrible either? Or, should I drive back to Wagga and see Will (and others)? As you have probably worked out by the lack of…

Day 9

People having been saying ‘make sure you look after yourself’ quite a bit. I’m not exactly sure what this means. Not because I don’t know how to look after myself, but because it can mean so many things. Is having a hot chocolate and lemon tart before grabbing some groceries late yesterday afternoon looking after…

Day 8

This time last week we were heading for the hospital. This time next week we will be doing the same. We will call this off week. And that’s just how Dave is feeling – off. No vomiting, just nausea; no exhaustion, just tiredness; no push-ups, but we will go for a walk when it warms up…

Day 7

Can some more ‘good things’ happen please? You know, to go with the bad stuff. I need a few more ‘good things coming from bad situations’ just to keep the balance even. It feels a bit lopsided at the moment. My heart actually physically ached yesterday as Will and I drove away from Canberra, and…

Day 6: 23rd May

A bus. It snuck in through the night and hit Dave whilst he was sleeping. Its pretty much going as the nurse educator at the oncology ward said it would. ‘By  day 5 or 6 you’ll be feeling pretty tired’. Yep. Slept in till after 8, got up and had some scrambled eggs and Bush Goddess…

Day 5: 22nd May

We knew things were going to get a bit tougher around day 5 or 6, and this seams to be the case. Dave is ranking how he’s feeling based on percentages. On Thursday he said ‘I feel 100%’ and managed 30 push-ups. Today he has mentioned 70 and now 60%. No push ups so far….

Day 4: 21st May

Yay – its the Weekend! Even though I’m on leave, I’m still glad it’s the weekend. For starters, Dave will definitely be home for a couple of days and not be tempted to go to work.  We also have Will visiting us in Canberra for the weekend which we are both very excited about. Dave has…